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North Korea tests nuclear device

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China will never invade North Korea. North Korea is the ginny pig for China.

North Korea acts up and China watches for the worlds reaction. We might be better off arming Japan, once we convience them they are in danger, they may go for it.


Unless China thinks NK isn't controllable and is looking to be "Safe", with Thousands of US troops just south of NK, it's possible....

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They had plutonium before Clinton, they just lied about how much.


If Bush says the axes of evil is Iraq, Iran and North Korea and only NK was KNOWN to have nukes and a million man standing army, which would you say posed the most threat. Answer...the one without oil.



I know I'm going out on a limb here, but when someone is killing his own people, that'd scare me, ESPECIALLY if intell said he had WMD's. Whether or not he does is a whole other ball game.


So..... Just wanted to mention having nuclear devises and having Nuclear capability is alot different......

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Work with China?


Why not call them out, and if they don't do what we want, then we can bomb them too?


It sounded like a good policy a minute ago.


We could call out Venezuela (we don't like what they are doing).


We could call out Iran (they are definitely bad guys).


We could call out France (they rarely support us).


We could call out Russia (looks like they have a few Communists hanging around).


We could call out Somalia (now effectively being run as a Muslim theocracy).


We could call out Luxembourg (no reason - we just seem to be on a roll).


Or, we could act like a civilized nation ...





Wow your way of thinking will surely save us all(also a joke)


Congrats,... told this to comedy central and they think it's great....



Wait what's your proposal again???

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I know I'm going out on a limb here, but when someone is killing his own people, that'd scare me, ESPECIALLY if intell said he had WMD's. Whether or not he does is a whole other ball game.


So..... Just wanted to mention having nuclear devises and having Nuclear capability is alot different......


I've never taken any strategical tactics class (nor have I been in any armed forces for that matter... unless you count the Boy Scouts, where I earned my rifle shooting merit badge:lol:), but honestly, I think somebody should do something. I don't care if China invades them, or we nuke thier own nukes, I'd feel much better if something was done much sooner, to give them less time to prepare and make more weapons.


I honestly am not afraid, but I'd like to keep it that way.

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Some reports are now saying it may have been a dud. MOre like TNT explosion rather than an atomic explosion.

I'm guessing from the low yield that it was a poorly made device. They'll explode, but with only a fraction of the yield. China is not at all happy.

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BTW - Don Rumsfeld sold 2 reactors to North Korea as recently as 2000 when he was on the board of directors for ABB.

So what? The DOE approved that in 1996. Rumsfeld's position should have been to do what was best for ABB, especially in the light that it was ok with the United States government.

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Bush passed on the opportunity to do inspections in 2003. What was he thinking. Too preoccupied with Iraq ?


Yeah, If I were Bush I would have loved to inspect the 6 Billion dollars worth of support that Clinton doled out in 94. Just see how that money was put into reactor construction.

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