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I vote mostly Democratic but look at every person seriously before voting and have voted against a Democrat. I'am a Christian. Now also both parties are made up of humans and they are not perfect. Both have major problems. example Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. Lets start a Homosexual & Divorce Thread. I also have been Divorced.

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At least what you conceive as being Christian.


As a (not every Sunday but doing pretty good for a college student) church going Episcopalian, I have no trouble reconciling my values.


By the same token, when I read the Epistle of James, second chapter, I wonder what Bible Republicans are reading...


For me as a Christian, there is no reconciliation to be made when it comes to gay marriage and abortion. Just like there is none to be made when it comes to lying, murdering, oppressing the poor, divorce (in most cases) and on and on. The Bible tells me that they're all wrong. Which ties in perfectly with one of my points...both parties are guilty of falling short on more than one of these issues. I think people should look a little deeper into this before casting their vote based on abortion alone. Now, if you do look into it, and abortion ends up being the deciding factor for you, that's fine. I have no problem or criticism for that. What I don't like is this thought process...Democrats are for abortion, Republicans aren't, the Republicans are Christians. I'm not saying that people on here fall into that trap, but it does seem like some in America do. Maybe it's just my perception.


But, back to the my original 3 sentences...does that mean we are to condemn all gay people, all liars, all murderers, and all divorcees? No. We are to love everyone. You know the old cliche, "Hate the sin, love the sinner". But, loving these people, does not mean compromising our beliefs (what the Bible teaches us) and telling them that it's okay. I think it's possible to reach out to people and still hold fast to what you believe. It's obviously not as easy as saying, "I'm okay, you're okay", but it's pretty clear in the Bible that the church isn't supposed to become "wordly". If it does, something is not right.

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For me as a Christian, there is no reconciliation to be made when it comes to gay marriage and abortion. Just like there is none to be made when it comes to lying, murdering, oppressing the poor, divorce (in most cases) and on and on. The Bible tells me that they're all wrong. Which ties in perfectly with one of my points...both parties are guilty of falling short on more than one of these issues. I think people should look a little deeper into this before casting their vote based on abortion alone. Now, if you do look into it, and abortion ends up being the deciding factor for you, that's fine. I have no problem or criticism for that. What I don't like is this thought process...Democrats are for abortion, Republicans aren't, the Republicans are Christians. I'm not saying that people on here fall into that trap, but it does seem like some in America do. Maybe it's just my perception.


But, back to the my original 3 sentences...does that mean we are to condemn all gay people, all liars, all murderers, and all divorcees? No. We are to love everyone. You know the old cliche, "Hate the sin, love the sinner". But, loving these people, does not mean compromising our beliefs (what the Bible teaches us) and telling them that it's okay. I think it's possible to reach out to people and still hold fast to what you believe. It's obviously not as easy as saying, "I'm okay, you're okay", but it's pretty clear in the Bible that the church isn't supposed to become "wordly". If it does, something is not right.

Great Post!!:thumb: :thumb:

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Also agree ^^^great post by 5. I try to use scripture for how I react to situations. The Divorce on my part was hard because the women chose to leave the marriage and was an unbeliever. She also committed Adultery. I had no choice. 2nd Corintians 6:14:18. There is a reason God hates divorce. And Jesus "Permitted" someone to divorce their spouse. I don't think he wanted me stay with my first wife.

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Also agree ^^^great post by 5. I try to use scripture for how I react to situations. The Divorce on my part was hard because the women chose to leave the marriage and was an unbeliever. She also committed Adultery. I had no choice. 2nd Corintians 6:14:18. There is a reason God hates divorce. And Jesus "Permitted" someone to divorce their spouse. I don't think he wanted me stay with my first wife.


Divorce is a touchy subject, and I have no intention of delving into it, but it's stated quite clearly in the Bible that divorce is permissible in the case of unfaithfulness.


Also, I'll offer one more verse, and you can make of it what you want. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 7:15, when specifically addressing the situation of a believer being married to an unbeliever...


But if the unbeliever leaves, let him do so. A believing man or woman is not bound in such circumstances; God has called us to live in peace.



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I think the last statistical data I saw was that the divorce rate for church attenders was about the same as the divorce rate for the non-church goers.


As for the stretch I think Jim raises a key question. Why is it a stretch?


Divorce is the destruction of something holy that God intended and two committed towards.


Homosexuality is the destruction of the intent of humanity when God created man and woman.


So what am I missing here?

Don't equate everyone that goes to church with being a Christian that is following Christ's lead and walking the walk.

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Don't equate everyone that goes to church with being a Christian that is following Christ's lead and walking the walk.
Now you're setting a standard that can't be measured. The best way to answer the question asked would be the way Hatz did so, by looking at church goer's divorce rates.
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Now you're setting a standard that can't be measured. The best way to answer the question asked would be the way Hatz did so, by looking at church goer's divorce rates.

You can't equally lump them together at any rate. I think you'd agree that all that "go to church" are not Christians. For instance, I went to Louisville (hard to imagine) and yet I'm not a Card fan.

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Don't equate everyone that goes to church with being a Christian that is following Christ's lead and walking the walk.



All I was doing was relating survey data I had come across in a Chrsitian publication. Leadership Magazine was the pub I think.


The qualifier you place on it LBC, though it is most likely true, is a qualifier that will be impossible to measure and all I can say is that I have seen a number of faithful Christians whose marriage ended in shambles and divorce was its end.

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50% divorce rate- the real threat to marriage.


I couldn't agree more! :thumb:



The views on abortion by a lot of democratic candidates it that they do not agree with it, but they don't want to refuse a woman's right to choose. I tend to disagree on this issue with my party, I don't agree with abortion, not do I think a woman has a choice in the matter, unless her life is in danger if the pregnancy would continue. I used to think abortion would be okay if the pregnancy was due to rape or if the female was underage, I no longer believe that should be the case.


I think the morning after pill should be okay by religions such as my Catholic faith, conception doesn't happen right away, it take the sperm 48 hours to make it to an egg. As long as it's taken within a day and a half after sex, it shouldn't be an issue.


I find it odd that most people that don't agree with abortion, agree with corporal punishment, AKA murder.

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I couldn't agree more! :thumb:



I find it odd that most people that don't agree with abortion, agree with corporal punishment, AKA murder.


I find it hard to believe that someone can draw any correlation between aborting a baby and the death penalty for a criminal.

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I find it hard to believe that someone can draw any correlation between aborting a baby and the death penalty for a criminal.


A life is a life is a life. Unless the pro-life movement doesn't really practice what it preaches w/re to the "all life is sacred" mantra.

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A life is a life is a life. Unless the pro-life movement doesn't really practice what it preaches w/re to the "all life is sacred" mantra.


I am pro life and pro capital punishment. I also believe the atomic bombs dropped on Japan was a good idea.


Using your logic does pro choice make someone pro murder. Because killing is killing, right?

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I am pro life and pro capital punishment. I also believe the atomic bombs dropped on Japan was a good idea.


Using your logic does pro choice make someone pro murder. Because killing is killing, right?


Pro-murder; pro-death, whatever. Yeah. It seems completely illogical in both cases. If you're pro-life, you shouldn't be distinguishing between babies and adults — all life is precious and sacred (or so I've been told). By the same token, yes, if you support abortion you should also support the death penalty.


I will say, however, that the pro-choice movement doesn't couch its argument in terms of death, so it's not as inconsistent if they don't support the death penalty as it is when pro-lifers say they support the death penalty.

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