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North Korean Military Options according to NBC News

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I didn't see anything, did you? :ylsuper:


I don't disagree, but it's not too hard to figure that sort of thing out, and once it's out, the international community has a field day at our country's expense. It's part of the concept of us holding ourselves to a higher moral authority than our enemies.


I wish we didn't, and that way we could start using the G-Bomb with impunity.

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From yesterday and today's news it appears that China is playing along with the idea of taming down fat boy. They have sent North Korean cargo ships full of coal back to North Korea still fully loaded with coal, which is North Korea's biggest export to my knowledge. China also told them to quit taunting President Trump. I get the gist that China does not want to be involved in this and that they are willing to let us handle it ourselves if North Korea keeps acting a fool.

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From yesterday and today's news it appears that China is playing along with the idea of taming down fat boy. They have sent North Korean cargo ships full of coal back to North Korea still fully loaded with coal, which is North Korea's biggest export to my knowledge. China also told them to quit taunting President Trump. I get the gist that China does not want to be involved in this and that they are willing to let us handle it ourselves if North Korea keeps acting a fool.


First time ever a leader of China has said they are willing to work to take nuclear weapons from NK?

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First time ever a leader of China has said they are willing to work to take nuclear weapons from NK?


I'd have to do more research to respond with an educated answer. But this is the first time I've seen anything like this happen. Though I will say, I don't believe China has said that they wanted to eliminate the nuclear weapon program from North Korea. They seem to be willing to initiate sanctions however as well as let us take care of it on our own if need be. To me that's a big deal, as long as China doesn't want to go to war over it, we can handle the North Korea issue on our own pretty easily.

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The real green light is controlled by South Korea.


Question for everyone ... if you were the leader in South Korea, how would you want this handled by the US?


If I had to guess like Israel, SK has been waiting for the US to take off the collar and chain.

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The real green light is controlled by South Korea.


Question for everyone ... if you were the leader in South Korea, how would you want this handled by the US?


I'd imagine South Korea would want to make sure that everything comes out rosy for them and that we don't forget them when we take over. What risks does South Korea have if we eliminate North Korea? Does China pose a threat to North Korea?

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The real green light is controlled by South Korea.


Question for everyone ... if you were the leader in South Korea, how would you want this handled by the US?


It's a tough call at this point in time. Basically, North Korea does not have ICBM's that could reach the USA, so we're safe. South Korea on the other hand is not safe. But will they ever be if things continue on the current track? Also, how well do they trust our air defense system Aegis? If it's as capable as advertised, a nuclear warhead could likely be intercepted before it ever detonates.

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Do you think South Korea takes no damage? North Korea is launching missiles at them if the US strikes.


To the bolded, do they not take any damage if North Korea is allowed to continue to develop their nuclear program and military strength? My guess is that they will take damage either way.

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To the bolded, do they not take any damage if North Korea is allowed to continue to develop their nuclear program and military strength? My guess is that they will take damage either way.


I don't know if South Korea takes damage if North Korea grows its nuclear program. No damage so far. I still believe if we ramp up the sanctions and isolate North Korea, especially if China helps, that something will happen to Kim.


I also worry that Trump is creating his own red line with North Korea. If North Korea does a nuclear test soon and the US takes no action, will this be Trump's red line? Is Trump backing himself into a corner with his moves and tough talk? I am not liking any of the alternatives Trump is lining up. It looks like a build up to a war that will be devastating for Koreans and will cost many US lives.

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