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Kentucky Woman fired for tweet about Trump

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Years ago I swore to myself that I would never get caught up online in presenting my views, and that especially if they were counter to others that nothing good could come of it.


Though I still believe this, I'm guilty of going against my own better judgement, and over the past few years I've become more vocal to the point that I'm sure that I've overstepped reasonable boundaries.


It's way too easy to say undiplomatic things online that sensible people would be more diplomatic about in person, but once the cat is out of the bag there's no certainty about what complications one can bring to themselves by being overly candid.


Before the internet people would speak their minds to their family and friends behind closed doors and have the sense to keep it there, but now we're basically airing out our behind closed doors opinions for the whole world to hear, and often times imprudently so.


I've often seen local news items regarding criminal activity where people will imprudently make comments on Facebook in the comment section of the articles where it screams that they're taking risk with family and friends of the accused because it seems apparent that they know one another, and they're just asking for future trouble if their paths inevitably pass. Not only that, they quite often are inadvertently tipping off the police department of the high possibility of their own criminal activity.


We're now living in this hi-tech age and quickly submerging ourselves in this newly so called accepted way to behave, and though it appears that there's no turning back, there were ways in the past where we conducted ourselves that made more sense in avoiding welcoming trouble into our lives.


A good friend of mine who rarely uses the internet for much said a mouthful to me recently, and I just wish that I could take heed to his words, but he said "Sure I have opinions of my own, but it's not important to me that others know what they are".


Stating the obvious, this guy has zero issues with controversy in his life because he keeps his opinions to himself. I only wish that I could be as sensible.

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Such hate from the inclusive side.


That tweet is ridiculous and I have no problem with her being fired. I'm curious though, Jesse, were you implying here that this woman is a Democrat? If so, when did she tell you how she is registered to vote? Because I didn't see it anywhere in the article you posted.


Also, let's not act like there aren't any people who have issued threat's on social media to President Obama. I could post some articles about that, but I think I'd need permission to do so first because of the flagrant use of the n-word and other racially charged epithets in the Tweets the articles reference.

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That tweet is ridiculous and I have no problem with her being fired. I'm curious though, Jesse, were you implying here that this woman is a Democrat? If so, when did she tell you how she is registered to vote? Because I didn't see it anywhere in the article you posted.


Also, let's not act like there aren't any people who have issued threat's on social media to President Obama. I could post some articles about that, but I think I'd need permission to do so first because of the flagrant use of the n-word and other racially charged epithets in the Tweets the articles reference.


I am implying that she is a hypocrite. That faction of the left always preach inclusiveness. And she is doing exactly the very thing that a lot of the left preaches against.


I am also implying that you just cant say anything you feel like you want.


And if those that said that about Obama they should have been arrested or investigated. Where did I say anything about Obama?


I dont know if she is a democrat or not. I do know she is not very smart.

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