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Best gym in Nky?

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Highlands gym needs a wrecking ball.....horrible... they have replaced some planks of wood in a corner and it is a different color than the rest of the stained wood. It is total Ghetto ! I hope they get the rest of the renovations done quickly so they can start looking at building a Ryle'esque type gymnasium.


I dont think Highlands will have a gym near the size of Ryle just because of the size of the school. As for Holy Cross and Cov Cath I agree that the atmosphere at those gyms are great but its kind of a bummer when you have to show up one hour before the JV game to get a seat.

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Dirty? Are you being serious? I completely disagree with that. And you always have to mention the student section, and how it is the worst in NKY. We are not talking about the kids, we are talking about their facilities. So whatever grudge you hold with the Lloyd kids shouldn't be brought out in this discussion.


Was just there and IMO it isn't very clean in comparison to many gyms that are about the same age. The outside in front of the gym was very messy and clearly needed someone to clean it up and pull a few weeds.

A lot of what makes a gym special is the atmosphere of the place and that is where the students and fans come in..IMO and in the opinion of many others in NKY your student section, what few that show up, are truly an embarassment to your school. So no grudge with the fans at all. Just think they are sort of pathetic to watch really. :cool:

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Was just there and IMO it isn't very clean in comparison to many gyms that are about the same age. The outside in front of the gym was very messy and clearly needed someone to clean it up and pull a few weeds.

A lot of what makes a gym special is the atmosphere of the place and that is where the students and fans come in..IMO and in the opinion of many others in NKY your student section, what few that show up, are truly an embarassment to your school. So no grudge with the fans at all. Just think they are sort of pathetic to watch really. :cool:



I agree Zig...get the custodial artists out there and have them spray some weed killer and sweep up a little. :D

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I agree Zig...get the custodial artists out there and have them spray some weed killer and sweep up a little. :D


:thumb: Thanks gryche11, you and I seem to be on the same page today.:D I'm not sure who should be more concerned.;):cool:

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I think the David M. Evans Fieldhouse, at Holmes, is the best place to watch a game in the 9th Region.

May not have the best atmosphere, but best gym.

Ryle's is nice, and you get a unique view of the game from the endzones.

However, the railings seperating the lower level from the upper level create a viewing obstruction that greatly annoys me.

Dixie's gym went under a really nice renovation.

I like Holy Cross's gym from a viewing perspective. It may feel like a greenhouse or sauna, but you have a good view.


Does anyone remember the old Bellevue gym that is in the high school?

Now it has been converted into a school cafeteria. Matter of fact Bellevue was the last public school in Kentucky to have an on campus cafeteria.

Dayton's old gym was unique.

I can vaugely remember Newport's old gym. Can remember sitting in a packed house watching some Holmes/newport games in the late 70's there.


I loved Newport's old gym. Lots of character. Great place. Great memories.

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The atmosphere at the Fieldhouse is amazing when it's packed. I don't think you'll find a better place for a region final.


Also if you ever get the chance to witness an Augusta/Bracken County game, esp. at Augusta, take that chance. Augusta's little old (1926) gym, recently renovated, when full is as loud and crazy as anyplace you could go. The balconies on either side allow fans to be right on top of the action unlike any of the new larger gyms. If anyone on here has played or coached there in front of a packed house they know what I'm talking about.


No doubt! Been involved in several of those cross-county battles. That place shakes the entire game... Felt like a few times those balconies were comin' down!

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