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The State of the Current St. Xavier Football Program?

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Academically exclusive for sure.



So you're saying that if a student has some level of special needs, a learning disability, or is just not quite where he should be then St. X (a Catholic school) will say "Sorry sonny, you're just not bright enough."


As opposed to "We see that you have had your struggles, let's find the appropriate level of learning to get you where you could be."


Well at least one of you guys is admitting to it now.

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Would not be said in that way, obviously, but I thought it was a known fact that Trinity was the place for kids with learning differences right now. No shame in that on either side in my opinion. I do see the narrative you're trying to create though. I won't run from the fact that St. X is academically exclusive, plays by the rules in terms of tuition assistance and will probably beat Trinity only occasionally. I'm also saying I don't want to lower our standards over a football game and while it's frustrating on nights like last Friday I get over it quick.

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Would not be said in that way' date=' obviously, but I thought it was a known fact that Trinity was the place for kids with learning differences right now. No shame in that on either side in my opinion. I do see the narrative you're trying to create though. I won't run from the fact that St. X is academically exclusive, plays by the rules in terms of tuition assistance and will probably beat Trinity only occasionally. I'm also saying I don't want to lower our standards over a football game and while it's frustrating on nights like last Friday I get over it quick.[/quote']


Well it certainly is a shame to see that you consider the mission of a Universal (Catholic) school to be restricted to an "elite" group. But hey, we don't want any kids who could throw off the average.


Are you implying that Trinity does not play by the rules? Because if so then you need to provide proof or back off such statements.

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First, every school is not created equal. The schools have more similarities than differences.


For me it's the management of the game and the little details that have fallen off under Wolford. For the most part the the type of player X gets hasn't changed that much over the last 10 plus years, but the way Glaser overcame some of those short comings is where Wolford is failing. Physicality at the LOS not turning the ball over, winning the special team battle are things that over the last three season have declined. T and Male are currently the top two teams and for X to get back into the picture the coaching must get better. Take of the little details.

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First, every school is not created equal. The schools have more similarities than differences.


For me it's the management of the game and the little details that have fallen off under Wolford. For the most part the the type of player X gets hasn't changed that much over the last 10 plus years, but the way Glaser overcame some of those short comings is where Wolford is failing. Physicality at the LOS not turning the ball over, winning the special team battle are things that over the last three season have declined. T and Male are currently the top two teams and for X to get back into the picture the coaching must get better. Take of the little details.


Glaser definitely got more out of what he had to work with than Wolford does. To be fair that could be a matter of experience, but I can definitely understand how frustrating that can be to watch.

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First, every school is not created equal. The schools have more similarities than differences.


For me it's the management of the game and the little details that have fallen off under Wolford. For the most part the the type of player X gets hasn't changed that much over the last 10 plus years, but the way Glaser overcame some of those short comings is where Wolford is failing. Physicality at the LOS not turning the ball over, winning the special team battle are things that over the last three season have declined. T and Male are currently the top two teams and for X to get back into the picture the coaching must get better. Take of the little details.


I agree. I think you can add to that scoring touchdowns in the red zone. Glaser's teams had very good success in short yardage and red zone opportinities. When they got there, they usually came away with 7 points.

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St Xavier's mission statement is vastly different from Trinity's. St. Xavier, by choice, has a cutoff number for for test results in accepting students. Also, by choice, St. Xavier gives out far less financial aid than Trinity. In fact, Trinity gives out more financial aid than the other Catholic schools in Jefferson County combined.


I was surprised the way Coach Glaser was "rewarded" for his decades of service at St. Xavier. I was equally surprised Todd Walsh was told not to apply for the head coaching position at Tiger Tech.


I am personally quite happy with the state of the St Xavier program. There is a "cleansing of sorts" of the St X student body in process according to a former player and donor. He prefers the "product (graduating seniors) not be cheapened" by less than gifted students.


Does the University of Notre Dame mind being known for football, academics and superior fund raising efforts?


This is a thread for St Xavier alumni to comment. I am trying to abide by this premise. I felt the need to interject my thoughts on this topic.


the reason for Trinity giving 2.7 million in financial aid comes from the Archdiocese. St. Xavier is fully funded and receive no aid from other agencies. St. X alumni is their only source of aid. that is why we give 1.7 million vs the 2.7 million

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To all the Trinity guys commenting.....If you really would like a discussion of the fundamental differences between the schools we should all get together and have a cordial meeting around a table with beer food and cool heads.........St. X has different academic standards like Notre Dame or Stanford or Michigan or Vandy.... Facts. Not every kid gets in. St. X does not take in kids because it will hurt their overall gpa but because they just do not offer the programs for kids that Trinity does.


In this meeting maybe you guys could clear up the rumors of the heavy hitter helping THE PROGRAM the way he has for years....all rumors! I am not saying one bad thing about Trinity I just do not know the ins and outs of the school because ive never been there. I seriously would love to get together and get the other side points of view. I hear Trinity alums havent been happy with BEATY because he has brought kids in from the public schools and the alum kids havent seen the field because of it.....I think it would be fun to discuss the 2 school

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Rumors aren't evidence or proof. If you have evidence of impropriety please report it, I would hate for the school I love and am proud of to be doing illicit things for a win. If it happened I want those involved punished, otherwise you are just throwing things out there to see what sticks.


As a Catholic I cannot begin to understand the elitist, sorry "exclusive" attitude being perpetuated here. All are to be welcome not just those who score at a certain level. Drop the religious pretense and become the Germantown branch of KCD or Collegiate if that is your aim.

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the reason for Trinity giving 2.7 million in financial aid comes from the Archdiocese. St. Xavier is fully funded and receive no aid from other agencies. St. X alumni is their only source of aid. that is why we give 1.7 million vs the 2.7 million


Trinity receives no funds from the Archdiocese so I'm not sure where you got that idea from. The T alumni are also the only source of funds for Trinity's 2.7 million.

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To all the Trinity guys commenting.....If you really would like a discussion of the fundamental differences between the schools we should all get together and have a cordial meeting around a table with beer food and cool heads.........St. X has different academic standards like Notre Dame or Stanford or Michigan or Vandy.... Facts. Not every kid gets in. St. X does not take in kids because it will hurt their overall GPA but because they just do not offer the programs for kids that Trinity does.


In this meeting maybe you guys could clear up the rumors of the heavy hitter helping THE PROGRAM the way he has for years....all rumors! I am not saying one bad thing about Trinity I just do not know the ins and outs of the school because I've never been there. I seriously would love to get together and get the other side points of view. I hear Trinity alums haven't been happy with BEATTY because he has brought kids in from the public schools and the alum kids haven't seen the field because of it.....I think it would be fun to discuss the 2 school


I'm not close to the program, but I've never heard of Isaacs being much involved. One thing I can say is that I come from a Trinity family (all my uncles, dad, cousins, and brother went in addition to myself) and I have never heard a bad word about Beatty as a coach.

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I have mostly stayed out of this thread because I don't really care that St X has fallen to number three among local schools instead of the second spot they have occupied for most of the past fifty years. Veiled aspersions were cast at Trinity and when people didn't take the bait the aspersions became more pointed. That's when I decided to jump in.


A few facts:


1. Trinity does not offer one penny of financial aid that does not conform to the letter and spirit of KHSAA rules. End of story.


2. Trinity offers the finest education available to all comers, whether they score in single digits or at the 99th percentile. To steal a phrase, we educate these young men to the best of our ability, not because they are Catholic, but because we are Catholic.


3. We offer as much financial aid as we can, and more than anyone else, again because it is important that we be accessible to as many young men as possible. We are an elite school. If we ever become an elitist school we have violated our mission.


4. Young men of very diverse backgrounds come to school at Trinity because they are welcomed. Funny how that works.


And now an opinion. This stuff about not wanting to over emphasize football as an excuse for being number three is manure. X got into its current position because a group of wealthy alumni were able to pressure the administration into getting rid of the long time coach with a promise that they could do better with one of their own. I think that they were convinced that flashing a super bowl ring would be all it took. They were wrong.


I had the opportunity to see Coach Beatty and Coach Wolford speak to a grade school football team. Coach Beatty spoke about all of the hard work and dedication it takes to play for Trinity and the rewards of that hard work, He bluntly told the kids that Trinity football wasn't for everyone, but was great for those willing to do the work. Coach Wolford said he was the St X coach, St X was a great school and he played in the super bowl. Then he introduced one of his players and by the way, did I mention that I played in the super bowl. He said that St X was expecting a great season, and by the way, did I mention that I played in the super bowl.

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