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UK Fans: If it Had to Happen, Who Would You Rather 39-0 KY lose to?

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I don't even want to think about this. But 100 times out of 100 Duke. And I'd rather beat Duke as well. I hate playing Louisville in the tournament, the rivalry aspect stresses me out even more than I already am. Heck even the UC game I was on edge the whole time. I don't need those problems

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I echo the no comment from MJ, but I would easily say Duke. For starters, Duke is a very, very good team and capable of beating UK. I don't think any team is capable of beating them at their best, but there's a reason that the two teams were talked about almost as 1 & 1A to start the year. I think Kentucky losing to Duke would feel like less of a "fluke" for lack of a better word. Plus, DUKE ISN'T KENTUCKY'S RIVAL. I'm fine to root for Louisville once Kentucky is out but I certainly wouldn't want them to be the one that boots them. But Louisville is also clearly not as good as Kentucky. If Kentucky were to lose to them, it likely means Kentucky not only didn't play their best, they weren't even in shouting distance of it. It'd be like when they lost to West Virginia in 2010 in that regard. A great team that lost because it didn't play remotely near what it was capable of.

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Louisville ain't makin' it to the 'ship, so you all don't have to worry about that...


Was literally just talking about this at lunch... How sick would UK fans be if they had to face Duke for the title and 40-0?


I'm hoping for Duke, I think that would be awesome!


As to the thread if UK had to lose to somebody in the NC, I'm with lawildcat that I would prefer U of L win the finals.


Plus, it would make for a much more interesting BGP.

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Louisville ain't makin' it to the 'ship, so you all don't have to worry about that...


Was literally just talking about this at lunch... How sick would UK fans be if they had to face Duke for the title and 40-0?


That's what I have on my bracket. I think if the threads so far are proving anything, it's that many seem to think the sky is falling no matter what opponent is presented at this point. Basically, now that it is here and a tangible possibility, people are freaking out regardless of the opponent.

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That's what I have on my bracket. I think if the threads so far are proving anything, it's that many seem to think the sky is falling no matter what opponent is presented at this point. Basically, now that it is here and a tangible possibility, people are freaking out regardless of the opponent.


I'm not nearly as spiteful as I used to be when it comes to UK. But if UK lost to Duke in the finals, I would get MUCH enjoyment out of it. :lol2: More so because it's Duke and the hatred there than them not winning the 'ship.

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Answer C.


I would rather they lose to Transy in the exhibition next season.


HOWEVER...if I have to answer the question, Louisville, because that would at least mean another Kentucky team won the championship.

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