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Congress Letter to Tehran

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I 100% do not agree with the Presidents actions on this.

I 100% do not agree with the letter being sent from the senators.


President may be wrong, but senators were more wrong...this was absolutely not the way to handle this.


My thoughts exactly. At all times in foreign policy they must consider how their actions will affect current and future policies with both adversaries and friends. While it may be true, to put out there to an adversary that US obligations can change with administrations is a path I do not want to go down. That's a way to cut off much needed dialogue.

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I am glad someone had the balls to stand up for Iran not getting NUKES. Obviously the POTHUS policy would keep letting Iran work on building a NUKE.


Obama has been a lame duck since his first lies about transparency and Obama Care. No one believes he has the best interest for America anymore. I know all politicians lie, but this guy in office has beat them all. If he was pinochio, his nose would be so long we could walk to Mars.

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I wish the Republicans did not feel like they had to do this but I think they are actually SCARED at the thoughts of Iran getting a nuke. I told people when BO was elected that we may have to live with his ridiculousness a LONG time after he is out of office. He seems to be set on letting Iran obtain nukes at some point. This would be very bad for the entire world and may cause an even bigger mess in the Middle East. I may not agree with the method but I do applaud the Republicans for at least saying that just because BO (and his clown Sec of State John Kerry) have decided to let Iran have nuclear weapons and keep the Congress out of it, he is not a king and the Congress has not only the right but the duty to protect us from potential harm from our biggest enemy.

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The Republicans have an opportunity to win the White House in a couple years and prove they should be in control in Washington. They apparently have no clue on how to capitalize on the opportunity. They cannot afford to marginalize the party for an election that will have a much wider turnout than the one last fall. Mitch and Boehner need to get the troops in line.

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I don't agree with the letter but with Obama setting himself above congress in all matters I can somewhat understand.


People have spoken in this thread about precedents, please remember that there is a Republican in the White House and by fiat basically does whatever he or she wants.

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The Republicans have an opportunity to win the White House in a couple years and prove they should be in control in Washington. They apparently have no clue on how to capitalize on the opportunity. They cannot afford to marginalize the party for an election that will have a much wider turnout than the one last fall. Mitch and Boehner need to get the troops in line.


The President is not supposed to "control" Washington...even though Obama acts like he should be able to do whatever he wants regardless of what Congress thinks. Last time I checked, the President is one third of the federal govt with Congress and the SC each having one third of the power as well. In the last election, the Republicans did amazing well and now "control" both houses of Congress. While this letter was probably not the best way to handle things, Congress has to assert itself when it disagrees with Obama or he will just run over them as he certainly does not respect that Congress is equal to him in terms of authority.

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Looks like liberal hero and secretary killer Ted Kennedy penned a letter to Soviet leadership at the same time Ronald Reagan was negotiating with them. Can you say precedent? Funny how the networks don't say anything about that while vilifying this letter as undermining the president.



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Looks like liberal hero and secretary killer Ted Kennedy penned a letter to Soviet leadership at the same time Ronald Reagan was negotiating with them. Can you say precedent? Funny how the networks don't say anything about that while vilifying this letter as undermining the president.




In no way is what Kennedy did the equivalent of what the Senators did...it is 100 times worse! The Senators, while their form can be questioned, are trying to stop Obama from selling out and getting into a horrible deal which could be very dangerous for the world. What Kennedy did was go the enemy and actually try to help them out in getting a better deal (for them) with the US if they help the Dem party. That could be looked at as treason. In no way is what the Republicans did with the letter treasonous.

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Looks like liberal hero and secretary killer Ted Kennedy penned a letter to Soviet leadership at the same time Ronald Reagan was negotiating with them. Can you say precedent? Funny how the networks don't say anything about that while vilifying this letter as undermining the president.




Nothing better than the "He did it too" defense. Can't I find both of them contemptible?

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