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U of Cincy football players involved in gunplay?


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What's going on up there? I know a guy who got beat up after the UC game last week. Things need to calm down in Cincinnati.


When in town I work on the weekends just across the street from UC, with crime seeming to go up, UC and CPD have really beefed up their patrols, both agencies even have Segway officers and a medical patrol that are in contact with both agencies.


About a month ago I was told by a few officers that UC and CPD wanted to make a statement as school started, well, I see that there is an increase in patrols, but some punks are trying to make a bigger statement.


But Getslow, some of these young people are getting more bold and seem to not care.

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Tow weeks ago, one of our regular customers, for pistol whipped and at gunpoint was forced to take the stuff out of his room that the robber wanted, and forced to take the items to the robbers car. This is one who you would think could possibly handle the situation if he could, he is also a former top wrestler from Cincy St. X. HS.


And this was just 3 blocks from campus. The Shell station on Calhoun has a bit of trouble now as well, constantly officers are coming I tell swarms of kids to leave. Most of these kids are just hanging out, with no place to go, just looking for a party. Many, if not most, are not even UC students.

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