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Here we go. Tried to do some variety.


1. "Demented and sad, but social."


2. "Back and to the left." "Back and to the left."


3. "They've done studies, you know. Sixty percent of the time, it works every time."


4. "Maybe you're the plucky comic relief."


5. "I'm hungry. Let's get a taco."


6. "I will make popcorn with whom ever I want to."


7. "Sorry, guys. I gotta see about a girl."


8. "The shoes, right? The shoes are tragic."


9. "There has to be a mathematical explanation for how bad your tie is."


10"Let me have a Three Musketeers, and a ball point pen, and one of those combs there, a pint of Old Harper, a couple of flash light batteries and some beef jerky.

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