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Is Niemi out at Ryle?

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My understanding was that he was suspended one game by the Superintendent as a result of some type of grievance filed by parents of a few players. It really hurt the Raiders last night as I noticed the sub patterns that Nate had working so well vs. NewCath and Boone were off a bit. Alan Mullins did a great job filling in, though. I think it is only a one-game suspension but not sure of details. It's truly an unfortunate circumstance. Nate is a man of character even if not the most successful coach in terms of W-L.

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This cannot help him retain his job - character or not. I'm not sure who ultimately makes the call but quite simply Ryle s/b better than they are. From the outsiders view, it seems like a)he's not getting the results out of the talent he has and b)he's not getting enough talent to come out. Ryle s/b a contender every year. Period.


I'd strongly consider making a change and looking at either Mullins or Terry Trame.

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Ok this is what I hear. I'm not sure why he was suspended and didn't even know it until reading this thread. First of all I'm am not a fan of Niemi at all. I can't really stand him. But in his defense I have not heard one good thing from the ryle family about the parents of this ryle team. They are biggest "my kid needs more PT" parents around. And the underclassmen aren't much better. From what I've heard he is having lots of problems with the underclassmen and their parents.


For parents to file a grievance before the district Finals and get the head coach suspended for the game is rediculous. The parents should feel like crap that they probably cost their young men a district championship. If something happened why not wait till the season in over.


All I'm a saying is whatever the grievance was it better be pretty substantial for it to happen when it did. I don't know the whole story but this is battle between the parents at ryle and Head Coach Niemi is getting old. I'd leve if I was him because he can get a job and do well esle where.

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Ok this is what I hear. I'm not sure why he was suspended and didn't even know it until reading this thread. First of all I'm am not a fan of Niemi at all. I can't really stand him. But in his defense I have not heard one good thing from the ryle family about the parents of this ryle team. They are biggest "my kid needs more PT" parents around. And the underclassmen aren't much better. From what I've heard he is having lots of problems with the underclassmen and their parents.


For parents to file a grievance before the district Finals and get the head coach suspended for the game is rediculous. The parents should feel like crap that they probably cost their young men a district championship. If something happened why not wait till the season in over.


All I'm a saying is whatever the grievance was it better be pretty substantial for it to happen when it did. I don't know the whole story but this is battle between the parents at ryle and Head Coach Niemi is getting old. I'd leve if I was him because he can get a job and do well esle where.


You make some good points. It is sad when parents overstep their bounds and end up hurting their child and the other kids. I see nothing positive that has come out of this situation.

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Rumor is that a parent has been out to get the coach all year. This parent and the son had a bad experience earlier in the year, and just got an opportunity to get the coach right before the district championship. The coach typed up a motivational paper, which included religous references. This paper was obtained by the parent who took it to the superintendent forcing him to suspend the coach.

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He should have been smarter than to issue something with those references if that is true. Especially knowing he was on the hot seat with parents. OH well, I hope the parents got what they wanted.... a big L for the District Championship at home.


Say goodbye when they play cch as well.....see ya

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Poor timing from the parents if this is true, a very selfish thing to do. Some parents need to grow up.


I do not think it was planned to come to a head right before the district championship game as the grievances were filed a while back (not sure exactly when). I heard that more than one grievance was filed but I am not sure of that. At any rate, this situation has been brewing for a while and has taken its toll on Ryle's team this winter IMO. It just took time to make it to the Superintendent and the timing was atrocious for the Raiders. I do agree that some parents need to grow up.

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Even if I wasn't the parents who filed the grievance I would be embarrassed to be a parent of the Ryle Raiders. If I was a parent of a Ryle player its time to stand up for the head coach. Again, I am the guy that can't stand watching Niemi coach. But he does a great job. He teaches the kids Defense and physical hard nosed play. I don't agree with alot of the things he does, but this is total BS and the parents should feel ashamed unless they stand up for Coach Niemi.

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I agree that parents need to respect and stand up for their coach. As a Ryle football parent, I do stand up for Coach Niemi. IMO, there was no intentional discrimination or unfair treatment in this situation. The parents caused the flap and the bad attitude rubs off on their kids. I have found that if I support the coaches, things are always better for my kids in the long run.

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