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Pirates/Brewers Brawl----- Who's at fault?

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Saw this yesterday. First reaction was... What is the Brewers guy going crazy for?


After seeing it, I think it was the Pirates fault. No reason for Cole to say anything to Gomez. I didn't even think the bat flip was that bad. Good think he doesn't play Puig regularly... If he has a problem with it: 1) Get him out or 2) Nail him in the back with a 95mph heater the next time up. But more 1 than 2. Then Snider came out on the field (rightfully so) and knocked down Gomez, before Maldonado nailed him with a vicious right hand.


Now the Pirates (Russell Martin, specifically) want to complain that Maldonado didn't 'follow the rules of combat.' Are you serious? Ancient Chinese proverb... If you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch.


Cole started it. Snider dug his own grave by going on the field and not defending himself, and for the most part, Maldonado ended it and now the Pirates are mad.... If Maldonado doesn't clock Snider who's to say that Snider doesn't clock Gomez?

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Saw this yesterday. First reaction was... What is the Brewers guy going crazy for?


After seeing it, I think it was the Pirates fault. No reason for Cole to say anything to Gomez. I didn't even think the bat flip was that bad. Good think he doesn't play Puig regularly... If he has a problem with it: 1) Get him out or 2) Nail him in the back with a 95mph heater the next time up. But more 1 than 2. Then Snider came out on the field (rightfully so) and knocked down Gomez, before Maldonado nailed him with a vicious right hand.


Now the Pirates (Russell Martin, specifically) want to complain that Maldonado didn't 'follow the rules of combat.' Are you serious? Ancient Chinese proverb... If you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch.


Cole started it. Snider dug his own grave by going on the field and not defending himself, and for the most part, Maldonado ended it and now the Pirates are mad.... If Maldonado doesn't clock Snider who's to say that Snider doesn't clock Gomez?



Baseball is just getting ridiculous with all of their codes/unwritten rules. I don't even know how anyone could keep up with them anymore.


I have a real problem with guys throwing at other, especially at that level. I'm sure no one would means to seriously hurt or critically injure someone, but a 90+ MPH fastball to the neck or an unprotected portion of the head is going to end up doing that (look up some pictures of Delino Deshields after he got hit in the face during a minor league game). I'm not saying that someone will be intentionally trying to throw at another player's head, etc., but that if you do something like that enough times, you'll end up having something really bad happen. Even getting hit in the back could risk damage to someone's kidneys.


Gomez's punishment is that he flipped his bat and went into his trot when he shouldn't have: he gets some jokes cracked on him from teammates or sportscasters, and he couldn't have dug out as many bases as he possibly could have otherwise. The best response to his action would be fanning him each time you face him from them on, not starting a melee.


I only see a few situations that MIGHT warrant intentionally beaning someone or having the benches clear, for instance: someone coming in with some type of take-out slide on one of your basemen or railroading of a catcher in a way that could put the player's career in serious jeopardy, a pitcher who has beaned someone intentionally and without reason, or a similar situation where the batter has exposed someone else to the risk of serious injury. Otherwise, it's hurt feelings and the best way to feel better is to beat them on the field. Don't like him doing the bat flip? He won't do it if he strikes out or hits a grounder that he has to dig out.

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I think it's on the Pirates for starting it. That was a wicked shot that Maldonado delivered but he said that he saw 2 Pirates over Gomez and was just defending him. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt on that one.




If Snider doesn't come flying out of the dugout fists flying, nothing really comes of it. You come out looking for a fight, don't complain when you get your clock cleaned.

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Baseball is just getting ridiculous with all of their codes/unwritten rules. I don't even know how anyone could keep up with them anymore.


I have a real problem with guys throwing at other, especially at that level. I'm sure no one would means to seriously hurt or critically injure someone, but a 90+ MPH fastball to the neck or an unprotected portion of the head is going to end up doing that (look up some pictures of Delino Deshields after he got hit in the face during a minor league game). I'm not saying that someone will be intentionally trying to throw at another player's head, etc., but that if you do something like that enough times, you'll end up having something really bad happen. Even getting hit in the back could risk damage to someone's kidneys.


Gomez's punishment is that he flipped his bat and went into his trot when he shouldn't have: he gets some jokes cracked on him from teammates or sportscasters, and he couldn't have dug out as many bases as he possibly could have otherwise. The best response to his action would be fanning him each time you face him from them on, not starting a melee.


I only see a few situations that MIGHT warrant intentionally beaning someone or having the benches clear, for instance: someone coming in with some type of take-out slide on one of your basemen or railroading of a catcher in a way that could put the player's career in serious jeopardy, a pitcher who has beaned someone intentionally and without reason, or a similar situation where the batter has exposed someone else to the risk of serious injury. Otherwise, it's hurt feelings and the best way to feel better is to beat them on the field. Don't like him doing the bat flip? He won't do it if he strikes out or hits a grounder that he has to dig out.


That's kinda why I said more 1 than 2....


While I don't totally disagree with you, guys have been doing it forever, and until either a) the league implements rules against it (which would be EXTREMELY hard to enforce) or b) Something VERY bad happens (I'm thinking someone dies on the field or gets severely maimed) then you are going to see it. I'm not disagreeing that they need to knock it off (inevitably some teams take it too far), but I'm saying that I can see the argument back to you being that they've played the game for 150 years and nothing like that has happened yet so...

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If Snider doesn't come flying out of the dugout fists flying, nothing really comes of it. You come out looking for a fight, don't complain when you get your clock cleaned.


Snider has a nasty looking eye as a result.


I think the part that really gets me on this is that Russell Martin saying that Maldonado didn't follow the 'rules of combat' on the baseball field. What is this code of conduct he speaks of? Is he supposed to push and shove a little bit and go back to the dugout?


Basically what I hear him saying is that the Pirates got their butts whooped and so the Brewers weren't fighting fair...

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Baseball would rather suspend someone than put meaningful rules in place to stop this kind of crap.


What I would do:

Leave dugout/bullpen and run onto the field during an altercation 3 games out

Leave defensive position to double team batter/baserunner 3 games (only stipulation would be for catcher, if catcher wants to get between batter and pitcher but doesn't instigate anything that would be allowed)

Swing at another player if it connects or not 7 games out


I'm sick and tired of catchers or pitchers getting their panties in a wad over "bat flips" or the speed at which someone runs the bases after a homerun...if you don't like it get them out!

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Baseball would rather suspend someone than put meaningful rules in place to stop this kind of crap.


What I would do:

Leave dugout/bullpen and run onto the field during an altercation 3 games out

Leave defensive position to double team batter/baserunner 3 games (only stipulation would be for catcher, if catcher wants to get between batter and pitcher but doesn't instigate anything that would be allowed)

Swing at another player if it connects or not 7 games out


I'm sick and tired of catchers or pitchers getting their panties in a wad over "bat flips" or the speed at which someone runs the bases after a homerun...if you don't like it get them out!


I don't necessarily disagree with this either. But I do think there are going to be some gray areas...

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I'm in the minority. I'd earhole Gomez next time I saw him. He'a all blow no show. Got steamrolled like a little girl in the fray. Probably should take some martial arts training in the offseason. Yep, I'd buzz the tower for his antics. And it's not the first time he's done stuff like this. Catchers screaming at him for his bat flip on cans of corn. He's gonna get drilled, just a matter of time. Then another square dance as the benches clear.

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I can't access Deadspin at work but they had a great article yesterday about how baseball's unwritten rules have hurt the game. The gist of the article was the influx of exciting, young Latin players that play with a flair is being shut down by white American players saying "it isn't the right way." The article went on to say that fans like exciting players, touchdown dances in football, dunks in basketball, etc. but baseball shuts it all down and has subsequently become less and less popular.


Lots of valid points in the article. If someone could link it that would be great. I'm sure you can find it on a simple Google search as well.

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I'm in the minority. I'd earhole Gomez next time I saw him. He'a all blow no show. Got steamrolled like a little girl in the fray. Probably should take some martial arts training in the offseason. Yep, I'd buzz the tower for his antics. And it's not the first time he's done stuff like this. Catchers screaming at him for his bat flip on cans of corn. He's gonna get drilled, just a matter of time. Then another square dance as the benches clear.

That's it, he looks like a fool when he does that...I don't know why pitchers and catchers get so worked up over it...baseball players act like (was going to say little girls, but go to a softball game but, girls never act this way) a bunch of babies and wear their little feelings on their sleeve.

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I can't access Deadspin at work but they had a great article yesterday about how baseball's unwritten rules have hurt the game. The gist of the article was the influx of exciting, young Latin players that play with a flair is being shut down by white American players saying "it isn't the right way." The article went on to say that fans like exciting players, touchdown dances in football, dunks in basketball, etc. but baseball shuts it all down and has subsequently become less and less popular.


Lots of valid points in the article. If someone could link it that would be great. I'm sure you can find it on a simple Google search as well.



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That's it, he looks like a fool when he does that...I don't know why pitchers and catchers get so worked up over it...baseball players act like (was going to say little girls, but go to a softball game but, girls never act this way) a bunch of babies and wear their little feelings on their sleeve.

See, I don't think you're getting it. No respect for the game. When you don't run balls out to first base. That's lack of respect for the game. When you stand and pose it's not flair. That's showing up your opponent. Please tell me that you don't think Puig's antics are good for the game and that whitey is squelching it.

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