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Future sites for the 10th region Tournament

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I go to the tenth region games every year to watch kids play high school basketball and not to just set in the arena and soak in the "tradition". I will travel to Mason or wherever it is being held and enjoy it. I would hope that if one is a tenth region or whatever region high school fan and enjoys the kids playing their heart out, then is would not make a differnce where is was being played. grow up and move on. :ylsuper:





I would like to preface my post by saying I am not a Mason County fan and do not have a vested interest in them hosting the tournament. I do follow the tenth region closely from N. KY and every year, like many others, come for the semifinals and finals of the tenth region tournament every year. We usually get a hotel room for Friday night (this year at the new Hampton Inn) and make a mini trip out of it.


The last time they moved the tournament from the Fieldhouse it was a disaster (Clark Co.). I suspect the same fate if the tournament is moved to Montgomery. Either the gym will not be large enough to house it, the logistics and management of the event will cause an outcry or the money made by the schools will plummet.


This will all be ontop of breaking tradition and the losing the 'feel' of what makes the tenth region tournament the best in the state, without a doubt. There is something about playing that tournament on the same floor where the likes of Ronnie Lyons, Billy Ray Fawns, Chris Lofton, Deron Feldhaus, the Sieter Boys, etc. once made name for themselves.


Furthermore, the staff at Mason Co. who put on this event do a very nice job. They are professional, experienced and unbiased towards any team.


With that said, if Montgomery County has a 5,000 seat arena and can legitimately host the event, it would be unfair to not give them a chance and they probably could suit for the right.


But, in this day and age where tradition and respect for the past is slowly dying, it does not surprise me one bit. So, congratulations Montgomery Co. for wasting tax dollars on a gym you really did not need just to keep up with the Jones' (Mason). You now will be able to rise up against the evil empire and swipe the coveted site of the tenth region tournament every other year. And in doing so you are ruining an "event" and making it a regular old tournament. Thanks a million.




A tenth region tourney fan, (every other year).

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Grow up? Why do I need to grow up because I like having the tournament at Mason County?


I do not appreciate your personal attack based on my opinions.


Just because you don't value the things that I, and most others do does not make me immature.

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It is district rotation! Every year a district could host the region, most do not because of money, the fieldhouse holds more than anyone there for all schools benefit- not just those who are in it. After so much is made then split between 18 schools. When MC gets gym build then they will try it once, as they should get the chance. I agree with Mustang, dont think NKU will ever get the shot.

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It is district rotation! Every year a district could host the region, most do not because of money, the fieldhouse holds more than anyone there for all schools benefit- not just those who are in it. After so much is made then split between 18 schools. When MC gets gym build then they will try it once, as they should get the chance. I agree with Mustang, dont think NKU will ever get the shot.


May be right about NKU if they charge a lot for the new facility.

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I had not intention of making a personal attack, but your last paragraph seems to show a bit of immaturity. If Montgomery Co wants to build an arena and host the region, along with I'm sure other events, so be it. I'm sure that the future region games held at Montgomery Co. will have their own character, stars and memories and the tenth region tournament will not be ruined nor a regular old tournament, ynless people label it that way.:p




Grow up? Why do I need to grow up because I like having the tournament at Mason County?


I do not appreciate your personal attack based on my opinions.


Just because you don't value the things that I, and most others do does not make me immature.

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I go to the tenth region games every year to watch kids play high school basketball and not to just set in the arena and soak in the "tradition". I will travel to Mason or wherever it is being held and enjoy it. I would hope that if one is a tenth region or whatever region high school fan and enjoys the kids playing their heart out, then is would not make a differnce where is was being played. grow up and move on. :ylsuper:



If it isn't at the field house, you might not get in. In fact, if they have it at Montgomery County, which they certainly will, at least 2000 less people will watch the finals.

Sounds great to me too. Mason has a tournament and will schedule anyone who wants to play them at home, so why not get three games in at the Field house every year so you are ready come tournament time.


Mason doesn't fill up all year except for the MCIT and Region. They have as good a chance as anyone to get shook up by the attendance.


Home court yes, but the goals are still 10 feet, the crowd should be close to neutral, and if you schedule Mason at Mason and play in the MCIT you should be used to the Fieldhouse.

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If it isn't at the field house, you might not get in. In fact, if they have it at Montgomery County, which they certainly will, at least 2000 less people will watch the finals.

Sounds great to me too. Mason has a tournament and will schedule anyone who wants to play them at home, so why not get three games in at the Field house every year so you are ready come tournament time.


Mason doesn't fill up all year except for the MCIT and Region. They have as good a chance as anyone to get shook up by the attendance.


Home court yes, but the goals are still 10 feet, the crowd should be close to neutral, and if you schedule Mason at Mason and play in the MCIT you should be used to the Fieldhouse.


Excellant post :D

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I will be the first to admit that I loved playing in the Fieldhouse during regional tourny time. But this is not fair in any way to allow a contending school to host the regional tournament year in and year out like they have for so many years. For anyone to say that it isn't an advantage to play on your home floor and only have to travel a few minutes to a game is badly mistaken. How many times has a player been sick from a bus ride to their home gym? I know of multiple cases where it has happened for a traveling team on a bad road on a bus. The only reason it should be at the Fieldhouse is because of the money. I for one would be willing to lose a few dollars as an administrator to give my kids a fair shake during tourny time. Mason Co.'s district isn't at the Fieldhouse every year, so why on Earth should the region be!!!

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I'm anxious to here from some of Scott's faithful, of their reaction to their first trip to the Fieldhouse for the regional tourney.

They probably have the best road to travel of anybody.

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I will be the first to admit that I loved playing in the Fieldhouse during regional tourny time. But this is not fair in any way to allow a contending school to host the regional tournament year in and year out like they have for so many years. For anyone to say that it isn't an advantage to play on your home floor and only have to travel a few minutes to a game is badly mistaken. How many times has a player been sick from a bus ride to their home gym? I know of multiple cases where it has happened for a traveling team on a bad road on a bus. The only reason it should be at the Fieldhouse is because of the money. I for one would be willing to lose a few dollars as an administrator to give my kids a fair shake during tourny time. Mason Co.'s district isn't at the Fieldhouse every year, so why on Earth should the region be!!!


See we got an administrator interested in fairness rather than money! Nice concept!!

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