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More Consolidations?

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Harlan County High (I hear they decided not to call it "Central") will be a consolidation of Cawood, Evarts, and Cumberland high schools. I don't know when the new school is suppose to open....maybe HDE knows, but I believe its maybe in two years.

However, I the KHSAA took this consoidation into consideration when they realligned last year. That district has 6 schools in it at present, but will have 4 when Harlan County becomes a school.

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I remember they were considering merging Deming with Bracken County one year and the students a Deming walked out at the school. News media from Lexington and Louisville were there but something happened between two districts it didn't happen.

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I have heard talks of Bellevue and Dayton and maybe Newport eventually consolidating. Don't know if it will ever come to fruitition, but it would be good educationally.


This has been rumored for a long long time but the only thing that you always hear is that it will happen eventually... But how long is eventually... We've been waitin' for eventually to end for about 10-15 years now... So I don't know if it will ever happen...

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This has been rumored for a long long time but the only thing that you always hear is that it will happen eventually... But how long is eventually... We've been waitin' for eventually to end for about 10-15 years now... So I don't know if it will ever happen...


I think it has been discussed for years because it makes sense, both educationally and financially. The consolidated school could pay teachers better and offer a wider variety of programs to the students. And the schools are already so close that it would not put an undue burden on transportation.


One thing that may hold them (whoever they are) back is where to put a consolidated school. Also, it is a BIG decision to consolidate schools and there probably is some politics involved.

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I think it has been discussed for years because it makes sense, both educationally and financially. The consolidated school could pay teachers better and offer a wider variety of programs to the students. And the schools are already so close that it would not put an undue burden on transportation.


One thing that may hold them (whoever they are) back is where to put a consolidated school. Also, it is a BIG decision to consolidate schools and there probably is some politics involved.


I agree that probably the biggest problem is where to put the school (lack of space)...

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