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All A State Tournament---Should True All A Schools withdraw from Tourney??


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In the 14th region, word has it that knott central is eligible to be in the tourney next year......possibly Leslie, Breathitt and Estill is close.

My question is this.....Should and will True all A schools withdraw from the tournament? Is it doing what it should be designed to do?

Knott Central has a total enrollment of 650. If they are eligible, under the current guidelines, they would have to have a freshman class of 226 or more.

Certain schools hide some of their sophomores into the freshman class first semester to get eligible because they only count grades 10-12 for a total enrollment of 425. 2nd semester these so called 2nd year freshman then bump up to their true status of sophomores.


If a school has 226 freshman they are NOT an All A school.

I would call for all true all a schools to withdraw from the all AA tournamnet (pun intended for AA).

Maybe we could rent Morehead state and have a true state tournament for the all A schools.

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Absolutely agreed!! If there are potentially only 4 schools in the 14th region withheld, what's the point with the All A Tourney at all? Seems pretty pointless to me to have 2 regional tourneys at just different times of the year. True All A schools should should take a stand!!

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They need to do something. They should use the same qualifications as football. If a school is 2A in football, they should not be 1A in basketball. The all a was supposed to be for the small school, but the bigger schools is wanting in. If this continues to happen, should we go to a class system.

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They shouldn't not count 9th grade statistics.

They have one date (oct. 22) that a school has to show that they are 425 and under grades 10-12. This is first semester....

Many schools up their requirements to be a sophomore by their site base council by one credit. This makes alot of students STAY freshman their first semester and then become sophomores their 2nd semester when it doesn't matter.


Schools with 225 and more freshman are getting into the all a tournament.

No true A school will EVER have that many freshman.

If this isn't fixed..Ky needs to class size. This needs to be fixed for the A schools......And don't give me that bull about not thinking they can compete against the bigger schools. Look at the schedules of the A schools and see who they are playing...look at perry centrals schedule...they are filled with A schools......Wolfe Co. ...an A school beat perry central last season...in girls

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You must remember that the KHSAA has nothing to do with this event except to approve of it. The All "A" Tournament was started by some AD's from Northern Kentucky and they made up the rules as to what they thought the "A" school should be and have never used to the best of my knowledge the KHSAA Football "A" numbers.


If I am wrong about any of this sorry, but I truly believe I am correct.

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You must remember that the KHSAA has nothing to do with this event except to approve of it. The All "A" Tournament was started by some AD's from Northern Kentucky and they made up the rules as to what they thought the "A" school should be and have never used to the best of my knowledge the KHSAA Football "A" numbers.


If I am wrong about any of this sorry, but I truly believe I am correct.



I don't know all the facts, but you are correct that the KHSAA has nothing to do with the tournament. It's no diffent than the 5/3 of Hoops Classic, menaing they can invite whoever they want. I would suggest a name change, but thats about it.

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They need to do something. They should use the same qualifications as football. If a school is 2A in football, they should not be 1A in basketball. The all a was supposed to be for the small school, but the bigger schools is wanting in. If this continues to happen, should we go to a class system.


I know that was the case with Owensboro Catholic. they are 2A in football, but only 1A in basketball. Doesn't seem to make sense. I totally agree that the true all A schools should raise a stink about it.

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Heck, I don't blame the bigger schools for trying to get in and get a piece of the "All-A" action. If I was at a bigger school I would probably be trying to do the same thing. I agree with Snappy and you other guys though. Teams like Buckhorn, Jackson City, Lee Co., Owlsey, Wolfe, June-B...they should be playing against the schools that actually have a small number of students instead of schools that play with the numbers from different classes and from one year to the next so they can weasle their way in to the tourney. I think a good rule would be to change the eligibility requirements to having 450 students or less, grades 9-12, for 4 consecutive years. That would keep the small schools in and keep the larger schools from playing with their numbers in order to look smaller than what they really are.

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