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Fort Thomas Loses a Fallen Hero


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Word has reached the Fort Thomas community that we have lost one of our own in the war for Afghanistan. Michael Bradford, the son of Gary "Moose" Bradford, was killed in a car bomb explosion while serving his country. This news is being widely reported now, so I feel confident that it is, sadly, true and that it can be mentioned here without causing further distress to Michael's grieving family. Michael's dad, Gary would be familiar to anyone who knows the Highlands football program. He works on the "chain gang" and is an ardent supporter of the program.


I don't have any details. There was a car bomb that killed 16, including six Americans, but I cannot say whether or not he was killed in that particular incident. This is all I know right now.


This is such a terrible shock to all who know this great family, who have already suffered through tremendous trials in life. May God take Michael's soul up into His loving arms and provide comfort and consolation to the loving family he leaves behind.

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My buddy (who went to Highlands) text me last night and was pretty upset about it. This is the 2nd of his friends that he's lost over in Afghanistan & Iraq.


Prayers for the friends and family. Always hate to hear this.


Terrible news, did he participate in football?

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This news broke my heart when you told me last night, BF. I had the pleasure of watching Michael grow up playing football with my son, hanging out with Moose and his family now and then. I feel so bad for Moose, he's been through so much and this is the worst blow a father can receive. My thanks to Michael for his selfless service and for always making me smile, he was a wonderful guy and I will miss him terribly. God bless the Bradford family.

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