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Is Tebow Showing His True Feelings ?


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Tim Tebow will speak in Dallas at the church run by Robert Jeffress.


Mr Jeffress believes:


Catholicism is a satanic cult


Mormons and gays are going to hell


Mormonism is a cult



There has always been speculation about Tebow's views on Catholicism. This speaking engagement would seem to support the contention that he is against Catholicism and its teachings.


At some point we have to ask the question: Is Mr Tebow is religious bigot and fanatic?


Doyel's take: Agreeing to speak at intolerant church is Tebow's greatest sin - NFL - CBSSports.com News, Rumors, Scores, Stats, Fantasy

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This might be worth another thread, but the vast majority of religions and denominations believe they are right and only they are right (or why not join another group). So, almost by definition most religious groups are going to believe a large swath of the population won't reap the same rewards as them because they don't have the right beliefs. When does believing in the tenets of a religion (or non at all) cross into being prejudiced?*


*This isn't a defense of Jeffress - who I find loathsome - or Tebow's apparent endorsement of him. But, it would seem this is one of the underlying questions here.

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I disagree with a number of Catholic teachings, but in no way would I refer to it as a "satanic cult."


Don't know enough about Mormonism, but some LDS groups adhere to teachings outside of Scripture, which I believe is partially why some label it a cult.


As far as heaven & hell goes, that is an area where God makes the call & not me (nor anyone else) IMO. Now, if people ask me how to get to heaven, I'm going to tell them how I believe you get there: through a relationship with Jesus. But I don't decide who goes to heaven & who goes to hell.


If I'm Tim Tebow, I decline this speaking engagement.

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Lets not act like all Catholics think Protestants are going to heaven. No matter the religion most doctrines can be viewed as dying they are the correct interpretation of the world.


I know a LOT of Catholics...and I don't know a single one who thinks that identifying as a Protestant predestines you away from salvation.



"I have other sheep that do not belong to this fold. These also I must lead, and they will hear my voice, and there will be one flock, one shepherd." -John 10:16

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I know a LOT of Catholics...and I don't know a single one who thinks that identifying as a Protestant predestines you away from salvation.



"I have other sheep that do not belong to this fold. These also I must lead, and they will hear my voice, and there will be one flock, one shepherd." -John 10:16


Same here. Never once heard any discussion of it. Would think the person saying such a thing was a moron.

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I don't understand why this is a big deal....We've been told for 5+ years that President Obama belonging to Rev. Wright's church didn't mean he shared his anti-American beliefs, but because Tebow is speaking at Jeffress' church, he must have the same beliefs as he does....Color me shocked.

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I don't understand why this is a big deal....We've been told for 5+ years that President Obama belonging to Rev. Wright's church didn't mean he shared his anti-American beliefs, but because Tebow is speaking at Jeffress' church, he must have the same beliefs as he does....Color me shocked.


Fair response.


I'd argue it's a bit different though. In the President' case he obviously separated himself from Rev Wright(Certainy fair to question motives) . In this case, Tebow is going to support what appears to be IMO a whacked out religious nut.

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Another opportunity to try to roast Tebow. Kinda tired of them. Doesn't even matter if I like the guy or believe the way he does or not. Getting old, imo.


You can be tired of them all you want. This one seems to be the most damning IMO. You have a person who is held up as a great young man who exemplifies Christ's teachings going to support a bigot. That's not a story?

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