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Obama's "press" conference


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I would have loved to seen the police officer say he wouldn't be attending a beer summit because a good number of calls he responds to involves alcohol abuse and he does not think it is right for him and the President to send a message to youth that they way to solve disputes is over beer. THat more often to not, this leads to the police end up being called.
What a leap of logic .
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First off, thanks Hatz, I missed talking with you.


So, are you saying this was racially motivated by the police?


The playground remark was because Habib called my comment a playground argument. Just a little levity.

The yard would be his property as well, but that doesn't matter. The guy didn't listen, didn't comply and he got arrested. Hopefully he learned a lesson, but I somehow doubt it.

I can be arrested on my porch or in my yard if I don't heed the warning of the police. It's really quite elementary. Now, whether or not the charge will stick is up to the prosecutor or the courts, not the officer. The officer in this case merely did his job, nothing more.

I don't believe it I totally agree with RTS !!
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Good to get such insight from Fox's J Hunt who said that the reason the VP showed up was so that the President would not have to sit on one side of the table and the other two on the other side.



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Good to get such insight from Fox's J Hunt who said that the reason the VP showed up was so that the President would not have to sit on one side of the table and the other two on the other side.



Would that be a stretch to think this? It was already a dog and pony show so I see it as very plausible.

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Good to get such insight from Fox's J Hunt who said that the reason the VP showed up was so that the President would not have to sit on one side of the table and the other two on the other side.



What makes that really dumb is they were sitting at a round table.

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Gates: "When he's not arresting you, Sgt Crowley is a really likable guy."


I'm sure Sgt Crowley feels the same way.


By the way, I read somewhere the VP's beer was non-alcoholic. Not sure I want someone leading our country that won't get a little tipsy. I mean, how else is he going to deal with the stress?

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