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Free Throw Disparity


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I see more palming violations that aren't called than traveling. A couple of times a game, anyway. Calling three seconds seems to be totally forgotten, although it shouldn't be called nearly as often as "THREE SECONDS" gets hollered out from the peanut gallery.


Palming the ball has become a joke. To put your hand completely under the ball and then carry the ball until it's on top with about 4-5 steps involved. That is the most missed call in basketball.

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No question, I agree completely, but there is typically not a large unreasonable disparity by games end given two equally talented teams. You surely agree that a large unreasonable disparity is the rare exception.


Really I don't unless they play similar styles. It does happen pretty often but I would say it happens a fair amount where there is a pretty big disparity(rightfully so).

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I don't see too many travels called, just a lot of wrong ones. When a player pulls up their dribble jumps and lands, don't their feet need to land and take off for their jump at the same time? I see a lot of jump then two steps not called. I see post players make double moves, keeping their pivot foot (McHale move), but having opposing coaches yell travel and getting the call.

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I see a good jump stop incorrectly called as traveling quite a bit.


Darius Miller had it down pat; loved to use it when penetrating the lane, but there were some officials that you would think had never seen it before, and would call the travel.

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I don't see too many travels called, just a lot of wrong ones. When a player pulls up their dribble jumps and lands, don't their feet need to land and take off for their jump at the same time? I see a lot of jump then two steps not called. I see post players make double moves, keeping their pivot foot (McHale move), but having opposing coaches yell travel and getting the call.


This is a good move but many fans also see it as a travel and we know refs mistake it all the time.

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I have seen many games where I feel the officials are "catching up" with calls due to the disparity of team fouls. But you may have some teams that just do not play aggressive or teams who play very smart and do not commit a lot of fouls. Other teams may play very physical or aggressive thus creating more fouls. I am not a believer in all things need to be equal because it is unrealistic. Some teams foul more than others.


I feel the same way. Call it like you see it and ignore the foul count. Sometimes team A just penetrates more and sometimes team B is not focused and wont move their feet. I rarely argue foul discrepancy, but I do complain a lot when it appears that officials are trying to even up the count.

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No question, I agree completely, but there is typically not a large unreasonable disparity by games end given two equally talented teams. You surely agree that a large unreasonable disparity is the rare exception.


Count me as one who diagrees with you Ace. Two teams with different styles amost always create an opportunity for a disparity in fouls called especially against the team who challenges everything. In addition. a disaparity can exist between two teams with similar styles and talent if one team happens to play the game more intelligently. A team that is always reaching in, slapping down at ball, rebounding from behind and always trying to challenge shots laterally(more interested in rejecting the ball to the stands instead of challenging the shot vertically) will always have more fouls than a team who does not reach, does not slap, boxes out and only challenges shots vertically.

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Count me as one who diagrees with you Ace. Two teams with different styles amost always create an opportunity for a disparity in fouls called especially against the team who challenges everything. In addition. a disaparity can exist between two teams with similar styles and talent if one team happens to play the game more intelligently. A team that is always reaching in, slapping down at ball, rebounding from behind and always trying to challenge shots laterally(more interested in rejecting the ball to the stands instead of challenging the shot vertically) will always have more fouls than a team who does not reach, does not slap, boxes out and only challenges shots vertically.
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I see more palming violations that aren't called than traveling. A couple of times a game, anyway. Calling three seconds seems to be totally forgotten, although it shouldn't be called nearly as often as "THREE SECONDS" gets hollered out from the peanut gallery.


Last week at a girls game, the refs weren't calling it at all and I did actually count up to 14 seconds at one point. But I didn't yell about it.


Unfair foul disparity seems to be more of an issue at the lower levels, rather than high school, in my experience. For example, I was at a 7th and 8th grade conference game where the visiting team had something like 37 fouls and the home team had 5. Both of the referees had a grandchild on the home team. Ugh.

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Last week at a girls game, the refs weren't calling it at all and I did actually count up to 14 seconds at one point. But I didn't yell about it.


Unfair foul disparity seems to be more of an issue at the lower levels, rather than high school, in my experience. .


Tell that to the high school coaches that let you know when their team is on the wrong end of the foul count.

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Defensive style has a lot to do with it but so does offense. Some teams continually attack the basket by driving or dumping it into the post and some teams shoot a lot of threes and their posts fade away from the basket. Above all, people just want consistency but, no, the fouls should not be even most of the time.

Another problem is people look at the final stats and see a 15 FTA differential and assume there's bias but the winning team may have gone to the line 10 times in the last minute because the losing team was fouling intentionally.

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