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Minnesota Recount About Over


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Does anyone doubt that, just as soon as enough votes are "gleamed" from the rejected ballots, Franken will be declared the winner? When does it end? Just as soon as Al in ahead. It reminds one of the Washington governor's race a few years ago and look what a nut she has turned out to be.


It will be an "interesting" senate that will remind one of Camelot with Franken as the court fool and Princess Caroline as the reigning royalty. Throw in the possibility of "Triple J" from Illinois and you have a real hat trick (or, in bowling we could say a "turkey").


Boy, are we in for "change".


Where is all the endless assault about qualifications that we heard day in and day out about Palin? The media is "oddly" quiet.;)

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If you can't beat 'em, rob 'em. If anybody thought the Democratic Party really cared about fair and honest elections, I give you exhibits A and B - ACORN and Stuart Little.


I haven't followed this very closely as far as how they've gone about the recount. I do know they were both contesting certain ballots. What has Franken done outside of what the state law allows him to do that would lead you to the "rob 'em" comment?

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I haven't followed this very closely as far as how they've gone about the recount. I do know they were both contesting certain ballots. What has Franken done outside of what the state law allows him to do that would lead you to the "rob 'em" comment?
I never said that Franken has done anything outside of state law. I cannot be certain that Franken has broken any laws (aside from the tax laws of several states) and you have no way of knowing the he broke none. Minnesota is a bright blue state and the deck is stacked against Coleman. Thousands of judgments are being made on contested ballots, and it is not surprising that those decisions are being made disproportionately in Franken's favor.
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I never said that Franken has done anything outside of state law. I cannot be certain that Franken has broken any laws (aside from the tax laws of several states) and you have no way of knowing the he broke none. Minnesota is a bright blue state and the deck is stacked against Coleman. Thousands of judgments are being made on contested ballots, and it is not surprising that those decisions are being made disproportionately in Franken's favor.


So that's where your "rob 'em" comment comes from?

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