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Minnesota Recount About Over


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So the consensus of opinion here is that if a recount in a close election is won by a Democrat then the election was obviously stolen . But if the recount is won by a Republican then the election was honest and above board . What a bunch of horse do do !!

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So the consensus of opinion here is that if a recount in a close election is won by a Democrat then the election was obviously stolen . But if the recount is won by a Republican then the election was honest and above board . What a bunch of horse do do !!

Not when you consider how the democrats get repeat voters.

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So the consensus of opinion here is that if a recount in a close election is won by a Democrat then the election was obviously stolen . But if the recount is won by a Republican then the election was honest and above board . What a bunch of horse do do !!


I think this is the concern for many people making that assumption:


"The only commonality in these two decisions was that the outcome benefited Franken. When the recount is in Franken’s favor that is used. When the original machine tally works best that is used."


I think if there were more consistency in the way decisions are made there would be less accusations. Then again, maybe not.

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I remember reading an article a while back that some democrats were actually worried that Franken would win and once the 60 vote majority was not in play, many were hoping he would lose. They felt it would hurt them long term. Myself, I don't think anything can hurt the reputations of either party up there in Washington.

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I remember reading an article a while back that some democrats were actually worried that Franken would win and once the 60 vote majority was not in play, many were hoping he would lose. They felt it would hurt them long term. Myself, I don't think anything can hurt the reputations of either party up there in Washington.




While I despise Franken and most of what he actually stands for, .. if he had the highest number of legit ballots, then I have no problem with him winning. I may not like it, but the people of Minnesota have spoken.


FYI, I think having an undefeated basketball team has warped their minds and they weren't thinking clearly, but that's just me. ;):D

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