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Sen. Biden Guarantees an International Crisis if Obama is Elected

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I completely understand that the second worst attack on American soil took place while Bush was president. Blame it on Clinton all you want.


But doesn't your point that it happened on Bush's watch support my position that we better elect the most experienced and qualified person? If you are blaming the attack on Bush, then why would you want to send someone with maybe even less foreign policy, military and intelligence experience than Bush into the Oval Office to have to deal with those types of matters?

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But doesn't your point that it happened on Bush's watch support my position that we better elect the most experienced and qualified person? If you are blaming the attack on Bush, then why would you want to send someone with maybe even less foreign policy, military and intelligence experience than Bush into the Oval Office to have to deal with those types of matters?
:thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:



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This is strictly my opinion. I think Obama is more inclined to listen to the people around him than Bush was. I know some will be on here bringing up Ayers, but he will not be advising Obama. As we have totally different opinions on Palin the possibility of her becoming pres scares me. Obama will be listening to Biden and people like Colin Powell. While I agree McCain is the more expereinced in these areas his temper bothers me somewhat. While I know there comes a time when you must fight McCain seems to me to be the type that will lead us in that direction, and I'm not comfortable with that.

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How does the war in Iraq have anything to do with banks failing? Failure to act on information about the growth and problems with Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac as well as the subprime issues was the fault of the war? Please explain how that works because that doesn't make sense to me. Also, which specific Bush policies were implemented which have impacted our economy? The one area that I believe this administration and congress have failed miserably is having virtually no enforceable policy on illegal immigration. And this is a negative against both Obama and McCain in that they have done nothing on it as well, and haven't discussed it in the campaign, not even once. It wasn't even an issue in the debate and that is a factor in our current failing economy.


As far as trickle down economics, it is easy to do the math. Reagan's tax cuts did generate more tax revenue for the federal government. The issue was that he spent a lot of money upgrading the military which had been all but dismantled by the Carter administration AND (like Dubya), Reagan allowed other areas of government to grow too much. This caused our national debt to grow. Bush Sr had bad final 1-2 years in the economy when it was in a down cycle, but after the final debate, the report came out that the economy was on the way back up. Clinton slowed down the growth of the military and reaped the benefits of a fruitful economy. However, NAFTA, while good initially, has turned into what Ross Perot said it would, ... a loss of good American jobs.


If we want to make our economy more liquid very quickly, there are better solutions than the Bush/Pelosi/Paulson/Franks $700 billion bailout.


1. Eliminate capital gains taxes (at least for the short term)

2. Cut out the mark to market accounting practices which have done more damage than good to the banks

3. Cut the business tax (we have the 2nd highest tax on business in the world

4. Pass immigration reform NOW


This could be cheaper and quicker and makes more sense than giving money to the greedy morons who helped to put us in our current situation.




People fail to realize that 99.9% of the problems in our economy were caused by people borrowing money to buy homes that they were unable and unwilling to repay.


The relaxed lending requirements caused by bundling residential mortgages for sale as Mortgage Backed Securities created an easy, large supply of money that increased the demand for real estate and inflated the value of residential real estate.


The current poor economy was caused by loan defaults and foreclosures. Usually, it is the poor economy that causes defaults and foreclosures.

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This is strictly my opinion. I think Obama is more inclined to listen to the people around him than Bush was. I know some will be on here bringing up Ayers, but he will not be advising Obama. As we have totally different opinions on Palin the possibility of her becoming pres scares me. Obama will be listening to Biden and people like Colin Powell. While I agree McCain is the more expereinced in these areas his temper bothers me somewhat. While I know there comes a time when you must fight McCain seems to me to be the type that will lead us in that direction, and I'm not comfortable with that.


Fair enough. You are entitled to your opinion. Could you explain just what it is that gives you that confidence that Obama will be more inclined to listen to the people around him or is it just a gut feeling? Does the fact that from time to time on certain issues those advisors that he may be inclined to listen to include Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, or do you have the same philosophical beliefs as those two?


Much has been made of McCain's temper. Can I ask you a question and get an honest answer? If you were someone that wasn't beholden to party politics, worked endlessly to get laws enacted that were for the good of the country and had to deal continously with party hacks on the far right and the far left that were more interested in putting their party ahead of the country's interest, can you honestly tell me you wouldn't lose your temper from time to time? I've been asked and told I need to run for office on more than several occassions. I've respectfully declined for two reasons: 1. I could probably only get elected once as I'd speak my mind in a very blunt manner and would undoubtedly hack people off, and 2. I'd probably kill someone because I couldn't deal with all the party politics that goes with elected office. To be fair to McCain (if people are inclined to do so) don't you think that you would lose your temper if you had to deal with the people he's had to deal with for so very long? I know I would. Just something to consider.


And I'd also like to know why you think he is the type to lead us in the direction of war and fighting. I've heard that before, but never been given real reasons why people believe that. Common sense would indicate that as a former military person who's seen the horrors of war, a former POW who's personally experienced the pain and suffering of war and with two sons in the military who's lives would be at risk, he'd be more reluctant than most to go around picking needless wars. But perhaps there is justification for your position. I'd just like to understand it.

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I can understand some of McCain's anger from your explanantion, and like you I wouldn't be a very good politician as I like to tell it like it is . I think Obama is much smarter than Reid and Pelosi and hopefully will be his own man if elected. I suppose my thought that he is more likely to listen to his advisors is some of his adjustments to some of his policies he has thrown out there after liistening to the other side. I guess my feelings about McCain being more likely to lead us into another war are his temper and his 100% support of the Iraq war. I was never for the war in Iraq and never will be. I consider it a war of choice by Bush and realize since we're there we need to leave the Iraqi's in the best position possible. I see ending up like Korea we'll probably always have to have some presence there. I suppose most of my decision is a gut feeling which I hope is right. I know you really like Palin, but she was a deal breaker in my eyes. We've had 8 years of a guy most people wouldn't mind sitting down to have a beer with and in my opinion that hasn't turned out too good.

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I can't imagine how that happened. Oh wait? It happened with major US help, and the recent times are a direct reflection on those moments???


Still amazes me how so many ignore the reality of time and relationships. WE funded the birth of Al Queda through that conflict and our 20+ year dependency on "Muslim" oil.


How does the old Wives Tale go? You made your bed, now lie in it...


I thought John Rambo went over and took care of that in the 80's. ;):D

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