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Sen. Biden Guarantees an International Crisis if Obama is Elected

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  1. It will happen.
  2. It will be blamed on Bush.
  3. It will not be because of racism... unless O's Sec. of State or Press Sec. forwards that as an explanation.
  4. It will have everything to do with O's inexperience... but not for the stated reasons of "testing" him like Kennedy or Reagan.
  5. It will have more to do with the fact that O and Biden as Senators are already on record for demanding a fixed withdrawal date for troops in Iraq regardless of the progress or conditions on the ground there. The inexperience of telegraphing our punches will prove fatal... at least for some Americans.
  6. This too will be blamed on Bush.
  7. They are both on record as opposing the Iraq war… a sign of weakness among Middle Eastern Terror groups.
  8. It will have to do with O's published statements that he would prefer to "sit down and negotiate" with terrorists and enemies rather than “rushing into war.” Some bunch of kooks comes along, blindsides us, and they may be reassured that we will first sit down and chat with them before we retaliate. We compassionately get at the bottom of what’s eating on them, say we understand, they apologize, we do to. Everyone goes their separate ways until the next group emboldened by the first does the same. But because they are different from the first group, we go through the same thing again and again... but hey, 95% of all Americans will be getting a "tax cut."




:thumb:Kind of like Clinton getting the blame for 9/11.

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Not sure I believe this.
If you doubt Obama's stance against the war you can go to his website.




"Barack Obama opposed the war in Iraq from the beginning. In 2002, as the conventional thinking in Washington lined up for war, Obama had the judgment and courage to speak out against the war."


If you don't believe that terrorists will view this as a sign of weakness, I don't have the time to prove it to you.

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Yeah... that's a joke isn't it? We all know how aggressive he proved himself to be on terror attacks and snagging Bin Laden during his two terms. :thumb:


And I suppose it was his fault that Bush invaded Iraq, which is the primary reason, imo, why this country is in the shape it's in. That and trickle- down economics.

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:thumb:Kind of like Clinton getting the blame for 9/11.


* February 26, 1993, attack on the World Trade Center: 6 deaths and 1,042 injured

* April 19, 1995, Oklahoma City bombing: 168 deaths and over 800 injured

* June 25, 1996, Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia: 20 deaths and 372 injured

* August 7, 1998, attacks on American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania: 12 U.S. deaths out of a total of 223 deaths; 12 U.S. injured out of a total of over 4,000 injured

* October 12, 2000, attack on the USS Cole in Yemen: 17 deaths; 39 injured

* September 11, 2001, attacks in New York and Washington (occurred during Bush presidency but planned during Clinton administration): 2,975 deaths and 24 missing.


Except for the Oklahoma City bombing, all these terrorist attacks were the work of al Qaeda. Regarding 9/11, it is well established that al Qaeda planned, rehearsed and financed these attacks while Clinton was in office.

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And I suppose it was his fault that Bush invaded Iraq, which is the primary reason, imo, why this country is in the shape it's in. That and trickle- down economics.
Whatever... I'm not sure I disagree entirely, but it's not worth getting into.


I would however, like to hear your explanation of how Obama's "Trickle Up" economics plan is supposed to make things better.

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Fastbreak....I am quite sorry, but you can't be serious:lol:
Yes and no.


If Habib genuinely thinks that Bush was a sucker to fall for a trap by Al Qaeda or whomever, to invade Iraq where we could be ensnared in a preplanned, resource depleting morass punching at the wind... AND he genuinely believes that Obama saw through it from the beginning... then by all means, he should support such a genius, oracle or whatever superlative laden title one would bestow upon a towering intellect of such gargantuan proportions.


If that's not what he believes, then I was just being a smart aleck. Either way, I had my based covered... :lol:

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Yes and no.


If Habib genuinely thinks that Bush was a sucker to fall for a trap by Al Qaeda or whomever, to invade Iraq where we could be ensnared in a preplanned, resource depleting morass punching at the wind... AND he genuinely believes that Obama saw through it from the beginning... then by all means, he should support such a genius, oracle or whatever superlative laden title one would bestow upon a towering intellect of such gargantuan proportions.


If that's not what he believes, then I was just being a smart aleck. Either way, I had my based covered... :lol:


I think you've taken a few liberties with my post to reach that conclusion. Afterall, I did vote for the guy in '04 with largely the same beliefs.


  1. Not invading Afghanistan would have projected weakness.
  2. Not addressing the global network of al-Qaida would have projected weakness.
  3. Iraq was a red herring to both of these, which leads my to my "welcomed" comment:
    • We've lost the goodwill of Arab and Muslim states, crucial to fighting terrorism.
    • We've provided great motivation for the conscripts of terror to listen to the extremists and take up arms.
    • We've given them targets that illiterate, poor conscripts of terror can reach.
    • We've tipped the balance of power in the Middle East to Iran, massively.
    • We've distracted ourselves and may leave ourselves vulnerable in another area.

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I think you've taken a few liberties with my post to reach that conclusion. Afterall, I did vote for the guy in '04 with largely the same beliefs.


  1. Not invading Afghanistan would have projected weakness.
  2. Not addressing the global network of al-Qaida would have projected weakness.
  3. Iraq was a red herring to both of these, which leads my to my "welcomed" comment:
    • We've lost the goodwill of Arab and Muslim states, crucial to fighting terrorism.
    • We've provided great motivation for the conscripts of terror to listen to the extremists and take up arms.
    • We've given them targets that illiterate, poor conscripts of terror can reach.
    • We've tipped the balance of power in the Middle East to Iran, massively.
    • We've distracted ourselves and may leave ourselves vulnerable in another area.

Truth be told, we all take liberties with one another's posts on this board, primarily because we do not know each other, we have no idea if the other poster is swell guy or a jerk, and we cannot see one another's faces, hear each other's voices, etc. Bottom line, it's hard to convey in type what comes so easily in person. :thumb:


No problem with your first two statements.


I don't know how big a red herring Iraq was. Saddam was an evil killer of innocent citizens of his own land. He had WMD at one point and gave many indications he still did. He did not abide by UN demands. We need another democracy in the M.E. besides Israel.


I don't know how much goodwill we ever had among some M.E. countries, and those in which we did are still friendly to us. I'm not convinced that respect is better than goodwill in some of those nations.


We provide great motivation for the conscripts of terror to listen to the extremists and take up arms by not worshipping Allah, honoring Muhammad, and bowing to Mecca five times a day. Hollywood, the First Amendment and Kentucky distilleries have done more to justify fundamentalist Muslim rage than a war in Iraq.


"We've given them targets that illiterate, poor conscripts of terror can reach." Exactly! It's a lot easier to let them congregate and obliterate them than it is to sit around waiting for them to wipe out another 3,000 innocent American lives. Also, Afghanistan is a no go due to terrain. Bin Laden and crew fought the mighty Soviet army to a standstill, draining Soviet resources and forcing them to return home with their tail between their legs. Iraq was a matter of us picking the battlefield, with the added bonus of getting Saddam out of circulation, and providing us a staging area for other conflicts in the M.E. should they arise.


With a solid basing platform in Iraq and Israel in the mix, Iran won't be as big a problem as it would have with Iraq against us too.


As far as, distracting ourselves and being vulnerable in another area, all I can say is we've been terrorist free in America since 9/11/01.


I don't expect you to agree with much if anything I say here. Don't wear yourself out rebutting me. We can just agree to disagree. :thumb:

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Also, Afghanistan is a no go due to terrain. Bin Laden and crew fought the mighty Soviet army to a standstill, draining Soviet resources and forcing them to return home with their tail between their legs.


I can't imagine how that happened. Oh wait? It happened with major US help, and the recent times are a direct reflection on those moments???


Still amazes me how so many ignore the reality of time and relationships. WE funded the birth of Al Queda through that conflict and our 20+ year dependency on "Muslim" oil.


How does the old Wives Tale go? You made your bed, now lie in it...

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