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Teacher Pay?

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LN statement about parenting is dead on. The only problem is the lack of parenting is probably the biggest problem in eduaction. If parents would reenforce what little discipline is allowed at schools a teachers job would be much easier. Like has been said on here befor when I got punished at school what happened at home was usually worse. I think for the most part that doesn't happen anymore. I know this is a little off topic, but if all teachers had to do was teach then their job would be much easier.



I guess I am a believer that things can change particularly if parents and kids are forced to change. Individual responsibility MUST once again become the rule, not the exception, in America. But in order for that mentality to change, our elected officials in state and federal govt and school administration must lead the way. It may fall into the category of tough love, but we must return to the day when our govt was not there to provide for us; we and our families had to provide for us. I keep harkening back to JKF's words to the effect of ask not what our country can do for us, but rather what we can do for our country. Those were powerful words. Unfortunately, they have been lost due to our elected officials pandering for our votes and support by incessantly trying to "help" us out. Pehaps I am off topic but I don't think so. This "we'll help you because you won't help yourself" mentality permeates our society including the school systems. It done with the noblest of intent (what can be more noble than wanting to help your fellow mankind?) but we have to realize that it can be counterproductive to what is ultimately best for someone. I like JFK's words and that other cliche' that fits: give a man a fish and he eats for a day; force him to learn to fish for himself and he eats for the rest of his life.

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LN you are right on I imagine that a teachers job would be easier if they had 30 students wanting to learn. Also with this theory we would produce more productive citzens that would contribute to society and posibbly make more tax revenue availiable(because there are more tax payers not more taxes)to raise teachers, police officers and firefighters pay.

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Bottom line.


LN.... what I find most interesting with many districts is their policies and procedures reflect the operations of what, when and where. Student manuals for consequences to actions and expectations. But, nowhere do you find an expectation statement or declaration telling the parents what is EXPECTED of them as parents. Schools should pick a fight and TELL a parent what is expected. So what if it makes them mad. Parents will not change until a change agent tells them to.


Ironically, I picked that fight today. And then read your post tonight.


I know you guys are shocked that I picked a verbal fight on an issue I believe firmly in.

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I'm a teacher and have no problem with merit pay as long as each child is tested every fall and spring as they go through school. Example, I teach 3rd grade and I have a student who enters my room reading on the first grade level. I raise his/her level by the end of they year to lets say, 2nd grade 6 months. Over the year I've increased the childs reading level by one year, 6 months and while IMO that's doing a great job by the states standards I'm failing because that child is not reading at grade level and my pay is decreased or stays the same. Another problem with Merit pay is that not every child starts school at the same level. I'm at an elementary school that is a Reading First school and we test kids in the fall and spring and I can tell you that students entering kindergarten come in way below preschool level much less where they should be and you would be shocked on how much students "forget" in the summer and have test scores in the fall that are lower than the spring on the EXACT same test. Is that the Schools fault? BTW we also have a transient rate of 30%, how to you calculate kids entering your school from different schools, states, countries??


And..... I wouldn't trade my job for anything and knew exactly what I was going to make and while I would like to make more money, who doesn't, have no complaints about my salary, health care and state retirement.



I must question why a child on a reading level of the first grade is entering the 3RD GRADE.:creepy::confused:

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If the parent refuses for the child to be held back, there is nothing the school can do about it.

We had the opposite problem. We had to demand that a child be held back for academic reasons. The school promoted every one because they didn't want to hurt their self-esteem.

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You may find it funny, but it is accurate.

My wife has wanted to hold students back before, parents wouldn't agree, they moved on to the next grade.


I've always been told that the principal makes the call as to whether a kid is held back and the parents have no say (other than having a friendship with the principal).

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I must question why a child on a reading level of the first grade is entering the 3RD GRADE.:creepy::confused:



I question it to but once that child's in my classroom I can only control what I can and have to "play" with the cards I'm dealt. As for retaining students I believe that you can only retain a child once in the primary grades(K,1,2,3). I have also sat in ARC meetings where the recommendation was to hold the child back and the parents said no. BTW I'm all for holding students back if needed.

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I had a 16 year old that tested at 2nd grade reading level. He had not been in school from the 5th grade till I got him at the age of 16.


If what you say is true and he has lived in the area the entire time then shame on your system for allowing that to happen. The blame is not exclusive to teachers, principals, central office, it is shared collectively by the entire educational system.

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I've always been told that the principal makes the call as to whether a kid is held back and the parents have no say (other than having a friendship with the principal).



This is typically the case but there is one district (not yours) that had a student hold back for no academic reason whatsoever. I find it interesting the district in question acts as if it never happened.:sleep: and the educators involved can feel comfortable with themselves.

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