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Bracken Co. Will Hire Patrick Kelsch as their New Head Coach

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Got word just a little while ago that Bracken County will name former Lady Bears assistant coach Patrick Kelsch as their new Head Coach!


Not for certain when the OFFICIAL announcement will come, but Kelsch will be guiding the Lady Bears basketball program next season and for years to come hopefully!


An absolute tremendous hire for Bracken County as Kelsch has put in the time and has been very loyal to the school. He knows the expectations and his passion will drive him to succeed!


In the end Bracken County made the best choice :thumb:by going w/the in-house guy who truly DESERVES the chance to be a head coach!


I hope this does not turn into a bashing thread of Coach Kelsch or former Lady Bear coach, Molly Schultz. The school made their hire and they made a good one! The past is in the past and shall remain there!


Congrats Coach Kelsch!!!!:dancingpa

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Probably as good a choice that could have been made. Coach Kelsch has been handed the keys to what has been the equivalent of a Toyota Hybrid for the past couple of years(economical,safe and boring) with the potential of being a nice looking gas guzzling Lexus. Lets see how he does, the pressure is to produce immediatly. He will be praised if he does that, but questioned if results and victories aren't shown. Congratulations to Coach Kelsch and assistant Coach TubbyCat! Lets go LadyBears 08-09!

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Congratulations to Patrick Kelsch on reaching his life long dream of being a head coach and great job Bracken County for rewarding loyalty and promoting within. PK is pastionate about the game of basketball and Bracken County Lady Bear basketball and has coached all those girls coming back next year. If the girls are as passionate and work as hard as I know PK will, this will be a dangerous team come any tournament time. This team will have a great shot at the All A and those girls should gel in his system. Its a solid hire by Bracken County.

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Best move Bracken Co. could have made. They got a good one Patrick knows the game and is a good teacher. Mark my word Patrick will enjoy much success at Bracken and in the next couple of seasons his name will pop up for higher profile jobs. But, his loyalty will probably keep him a Polar Bear for years to come. Congrats Patrick and Good Luck!

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I honestly think that Coach Kelsch will get the FULL support of the administration! He has always been good w/his parents and I see that continuing!


It will be very interesting to watch how this all unfolds! Bracken County has had a lot of success in the past and a rich tradition, I would love to see and think Coach Kelsch can and will return the program to that!

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I honestly think that Coach Kelsch will get the FULL support of the administration! He has always been good w/his parents and I see that continuing!


It will be very interesting to watch how this all unfolds! Bracken County has had a lot of success in the past and a rich tradition, I would love to see and think Coach Kelsch can and will return the program to that!


EVERYONE will be watching, especially after all of the politicing on this board. Good luck Coach Kelsch.

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