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Convince Me

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I was hoping for logic, not vague threats from a book.


Those are not "vague threats" as you call them, A.L. told you the truth.


As for logic on which churches for you to attend, I would say any of them that believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour. There are many different denominatons but only ONE WAY and that is through Jesus.


Whether you are a believer now or not does not change the fact that this is the only way.

I sincerely hope and Pray that you will realize that one day before it is too late. I am not trying "scare tactics" or "to judge" you or anything but I am answering your question and agreeing with what Alabama Larry told you, he told you the truth.

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As you all may know, I am having a bit of a crisis of faith. If you so choose, I would each of you to try to convince me that your faith, Religion, or denomination is the correct one.
It's called faith for a reason. The metaphysical nature of religion has no logical or rational construct. Searching for proof of religious correctness is in most cases an effort in futility.


While this might not be comforting for you hear in your crises of faith, the truth is you either believe or you don't. If you have to be convinced, then you simply don't believe.

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I've read a couple of books that may help you. I can't remember the authors name, but his intention was to dissprove Christ and as he interviewed different scholars he became a believer. One is called A Case for Christ, and the other is A Case for Faith. The Case for Christ ties his lifetime into conventional history and proves that he did exist. Good luck in your search, hope you find him soon, as you never know what can happen to a person.

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I've read a couple of books that may help you. I can't remember the authors name, but his intention was to dissprove Christ and as he interviewed different scholars he became a believer. One is called A Case for Christ, and the other is A Case for Faith. The Case for Christ ties his lifetime into conventional history and proves that he did exist. Good luck in your search, hope you find him soon, as you never know what can happen to a person.


Lee Strobel is the author


Here is one of his articles for Outreach Magazine.

You can search his name from this article for other articles.



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gooch.... It would be nearly impossible to try and convince you of any religion since you have your mind set on the Bible being just a book. You say that your not a believer .... so your mind is already biased to alot the members here will say. I personaly feel sorry that a girl ,I believe you said in an earlier thread , could lead you away so quickly from the truth. Not being mean just very confused to how quickly that could happen. God's Word warns us that in the last days that would happen often.


I honestly don't understand what you want us to say. I do love you and your soul and terribly sorry for the confusion that is going on inside you. My prayers and thoughts will be with you.

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I was there one time, too, gooch. You have to ask. There will come a day, like there did for me, when you are at a dark moment and you will want to ask. When you do you will know.


I can offer some, what I call, non-faith thoughts on the issue.


Christianity is the only religion in the world that has, as its tenet, the concept of Resurrection. No other religion has a Saviour who rose from the dead.


Christiantiy has the LEAST rules for acceptance. You need but ask forgiveness and your salvation is assured. This has been debated on here some, but at its core that is where it is.


Christianity arises from the utmost of humility and humble origins. Jesus was a lowly carpenter. I always like to think of that scene in "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" where Harrison Ford reaches, not for the bejewled and golden cup, but for the plain little handmade wooden one. All other major world religions of any history had leaders who were already of some importance. Jesus' followers carved history out of the greatness of the Roman Empire, being executed for centuries for even professing they were Christians (read Pliny the Younger's letters to Emeperor Trajan).


Say what you want about all the trappings, but in the end either Jesus of Nazareth 1) was who He says He was or 2) was the greatest and most effective liar of all-time. If He was whom He says He was, then there is a Hell and those whom do not follow Him are eternally condemned. Recall the passage of the man who, in Hell, thought that a single drop of water would temporarily quench his eternal torture. From a purely non-biblical (logical) stanpoint, why would you choose NOT to follow Jesus? If you follow Him and He was a liar, you have lost nothing, other than a life committed to compassion for those less fortunate, whereas if He was right, you have lost everything.


Can you find any logic in a story wherein a God sends His Son to certain horrible death for the sake of a mass of humanity who cares very little for God?


Anyway, food for thought and I (as I have told you before) hope you find whatever it is that you are looking for.

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It's called faith for a reason. The metaphysical nature of religion has no logical or rational construct. Searching for proof of religious correctness is in most cases an effort in futility.


While this might not be comforting for you hear in your crises of faith, the truth is you either believe or you don't. If you have to be convinced, then you simply don't believe.


That's true to an extent...at some point you have to make that leap of faith.


1 Peter 3:8 says, "...always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you..."


Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think Peter envisioned that "Either you believe or you don't" would be that defense.


No, it can't be scientifically proven as fact beyond any possible doubt from a logical, human perspective, so at some point, a person has to take that leap of faith and accept that it can't be worked out and proved like a Calculus problem. But, there is evidence we can give people that might make them look into it and consider it further.


The thing about gooch is, he was studying to be a minister, right? My to question to gooch is this: Are you looking for anyone of the Christian faith to make a case here? I pretty much get the impression that you've already rejected Christianity (thus the crisis of faith) and you're looking for a different one. Are you really just looking for non-Christian religions to make a case on here or do you really want to hear from both?

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I will take a shot at this. First before I play along, I need to know accouple of things. How do you account for life on Earth? How do you account for stars/sun? Answering these two questions, will start us on finguring out the truth without ever looking at "the book:". God is so much more than that... I look forward to discussing this with everyone.

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As you all may know, I am having a bit of a crisis of faith. If you so choose, I would each of you to try to convince me that your faith, Religion, or denomination is the correct one.


The church I attend tries to go directly by the bible. We are simply New Testement Christians that try to follow the pattern set out in the New Testement. We don't have any credes or man made documents that govern us. We seek to have scriptural authority for all we do. If you or anyone else would like more information let me know.

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But I am not a believer


Then Gooch, I can help you.


By no means am I a Saint. I curse, I have lied, I don't live my life the way Christ wants me to live it. I am a sinner! But I work everyday to make today better than yesterday. I worship in a forgiving God. He died on the cross and has paid the price for mine and your sins. That is what makes GOD so great. He measures people by whats in their hearts. So that makes me want to work hard at trying to live the way he wants me too.


i would suggest that you look into those books that Pigman and LBBC has reccomend. Then start attending different churches. I would say go to a church at least 2 weeks, you should be able to get a good feel about them and understand what they are teaching. Just make sure it's a good Bible base church.


If you live in Lexington, I would like to invite you to Athens Christian Church services starts at 11am.



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All I am going to say is if you want to know if God is real and that Christ is his son, then you should pray with a "true intent" in your heart and mind and wanting to know.


If you will do with with true intent not testing, then the answer will be manifested to you through his spirit and in your heart you will know the real answer.

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When I pray, and truly believe when doing so, most of the time it is answered. Listened to a Joel Olsteen sermon one Sunday about God wanting good things for you. I prayed the next morning believing this and landed the job I am now working.

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Gooch, you ask us to "to try to convince you that our faith/Religion is the correct one." I give you only one verse to prove my "Faith" and some "logic" based on that faith and you bash me....and I'm the only one that you have bashed.


But thats OK, I can see your are struggling with your own faith as many of us will do. Peter even did this too. Judas kissed away his faith. Mary/Martha didn't understand the reason. But, I forgot I'm talking about this old "Book".



As my Brother KYNineer said..."we are praying for you". and you keep asking questions on here and of course you can "bash me" as much as you feel the need. I've stated on here that I have driven many miles to discuss scriptures with folks and knew they only wanted to bash me as I was going to their place.


The one poster who mentioned his church, yeah tell me/us more about it. I do have a memeory problem and I can't remember who it was.


Gooch, I'll be going to Asbury later in June.

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