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The one poster who mentioned his church, yeah tell me/us more about it. I do have a memeory problem and I can't remember who it was.



This is from our website:


We are a church that:


Provides Scriptural answers to Bible questions.

When a question is asked, we'll open up the Bible to find the answer. We encourage all questions. Truth can only be determined by an open and honest investigation of God's Word.


Works and worships like the first century Christians.

It is vitally important to understand that we must do what pleases God in our worship rather than doing what pleases us. We strive to follow the pattern of worship that is set forth in the New Testament. For every thing we do, we want to find book, chapter and verse to show that it is authorized, and therefore pleasing to the Lord.


Teaches the Gospel plan of salvation.

We endeavor to follow exactly what the New Testament teaches with regard to salvation. All that God commands in this matter is of eternal importance. We strive to teach God's plan of salvation plainly and simply in a manner that all may understand.


Utilizes the Bible as its sole source of authority.

Our goal as a church and as Christians is to have Biblical authority for all that we do in service to God. We reject all man-made creeds and doctrines, using only the Bible as our pattern of organization, work and worship.






That being said if anyone wants to discuss futher I will be glad to. Or if you want the link to the website let me know. When it comes to worshipping God I want to simply do what the bible says.

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Trojans, yes I'd like to see it. I'm happy where I'm at but love to research other churches and even come and speak. I like what I have seen in the site.


If this bothers some folks and y'all might think this is a threadJack....you can PM me.

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Okay Gooch let me run with your big premise -


Jesus was not divine, but was wholly man.


Contrary to what many may believe on this forum, that is a basic Christian discussion question. Many Christian theologians disagree on this one issue and yet they are still Christian Theologians.


At this point many literalists will come behind me and quote scripture like "I and the Father am one . . . if you know Me you know the Father" and so on.


If there were other scholars on here who were unsure about the divinity they could then get on here and quote some scripture that supports that view. . ."Why do you call Me good, there is only one who is good and that is the Father in heaven."


I don't have to believe that Jesus was divine, or that he was born of a virgin (only one of the gospels even makes this claim), or that there was a "physical resurrection" all I have to believe is that Jesus presented the purest picture of God on earth.


I also don't have to believe that "salvation" is all about going to heaven, or not going to hell. I believe that being a Christian is about bringing God's kingdom to earth. It is about peace and healing and loving my fellow humans. It is not about amassing wealth or power or any of that stuff, it is about service and seeing the people are treated justly - as God, who is LOVE would treat them. It is not about having the commandments hanging on the school wall or at the State Capitol, but it is about following the two greatest commandment

Love God

Love Your Neighbor


how do I love God, by loving my neighbor, by praying for my enemy, by giving my shirt off my back to someone who asks to borrow my coat. It is not about saying I got mine and everyone else should be responsible for their own selves, it is about making sure that people's needs are met so that they can then focus on the top of Maslow's hierarchy.


I am afraid that some of the religion you have experienced is religion that told you what you had to believe to get to heaven. I think that is unhealthy religion and ignores the life and teachings of Jesus.


You know, I myself might believe that Jesus was not divine, but that He was uniquely chosen and accepted the responsibility of living his life as God incarnate to show the world the love of God, and that it extends to everyone (even tax collectors) and that He honored this choice and obeyed God even to point of it killing him.


I will offer more later as people respond to me, but my preacher has some very good sermons and especially good columns that deal with God's love in a much different way than what many may be used to. I STRONGLY ENCOURAGE YOU TO TAKE A LOOK AT THE COLUMNS FIRST AND THEN THE SERMONS TO SEE A DIFFERENT PERSPECTICE.



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Gooch, you ask us to "to try to convince you that our faith/Religion is the correct one." I give you only one verse to prove my "Faith" and some "logic" based on that faith and you bash me....and I'm the only one that you have bashed.


But thats OK, I can see your are struggling with your own faith as many of us will do. Peter even did this too. Judas kissed away his faith. Mary/Martha didn't understand the reason. But, I forgot I'm talking about this old "Book".



As my Brother KYNineer said..."we are praying for you". and you keep asking questions on here and of course you can "bash me" as much as you feel the need. I've stated on here that I have driven many miles to discuss scriptures with folks and knew they only wanted to bash me as I was going to their place.


The one poster who mentioned his church, yeah tell me/us more about it. I do have a memeory problem and I can't remember who it was.


Gooch, I'll be going to Asbury later in June.



I no longer attend Asbury...Thanksfully.


I was hoping someone on the board who wasnt Christian could fill me in on there Religion. I am pretty well versed in all religions but I dont have the knowledge that a believer would have.


As for Christian denominations the ones I am "interested in" after some research are the: Gnostics and Quakers.

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Okay Gooch let me run with your big premise -


Jesus was not divine, but was wholly man.


Contrary to what many may believe on this forum, that is a basic Christian discussion question. Many Christian theologians disagree on this one issue and yet they are still Christian Theologians.


At this point many literalists will come behind me and quote scripture like "I and the Father am one . . . if you know Me you know the Father" and so on.


If there were other scholars on here who were unsure about the divinity they could then get on here and quote some scripture that supports that view. . ."Why do you call Me good, there is only one who is good and that is the Father in heaven."


I don't have to believe that Jesus was divine, or that he was born of a virgin (only one of the gospels even makes this claim), or that there was a "physical resurrection" all I have to believe is that Jesus presented the purest picture of God on earth.


I also don't have to believe that "salvation" is all about going to heaven, or not going to hell. I believe that being a Christian is about bringing God's kingdom to earth. It is about peace and healing and loving my fellow humans. It is not about amassing wealth or power or any of that stuff, it is about service and seeing the people are treated justly - as God, who is LOVE would treat them. It is not about having the commandments hanging on the school wall or at the State Capitol, but it is about following the two greatest commandment

Love God

Love Your Neighbor


how do I love God, by loving my neighbor, by praying for my enemy, by giving my shirt off my back to someone who asks to borrow my coat. It is not about saying I got mine and everyone else should be responsible for their own selves, it is about making sure that people's needs are met so that they can then focus on the top of Maslow's hierarchy.


I am afraid that some of the religion you have experienced is religion that told you what you had to believe to get to heaven. I think that is unhealthy religion and ignores the life and teachings of Jesus.


You know, I myself might believe that Jesus was not divine, but that He was uniquely chosen and accepted the responsibility of living his life as God incarnate to show the world the love of God, and that it extends to everyone (even tax collectors) and that He honored this choice and obeyed God even to point of it killing him.


I will offer more later as people respond to me, but my preacher has some very good sermons and especially good columns that deal with God's love in a much different way than what many may be used to. I STRONGLY ENCOURAGE YOU TO TAKE A LOOK AT THE COLUMNS FIRST AND THEN THE SERMONS TO SEE A DIFFERENT PERSPECTICE.




Do you believe he resurrected the dead?

Do you believe he fed the multitudes?

Do you believe in what the day of Easter stands for?

Do you believe he performed any miracles?

If so, how did he perform those miracles?

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Then Gooch, I can help you.


By no means am I a Saint. I curse, I have lied, I don't live my life the way Christ wants me to live it. I am a sinner! But I work everyday to make today better than yesterday. I worship in a forgiving God. He died on the cross and has paid the price for mine and your sins. That is what makes GOD so great. He measures people by whats in their hearts. So that makes me want to work hard at trying to live the way he wants me too.


i would suggest that you look into those books that Pigman and LBBC has reccomend. Then start attending different churches. I would say go to a church at least 2 weeks, you should be able to get a good feel about them and understand what they are teaching. Just make sure it's a good Bible base church.


If you live in Lexington, I would like to invite you to Athens Christian Church services starts at 11am.




Great post Coach, There is no such thing as a perfect Christian in our world. Jesus Christ was and is the only one without sin and all of our sins were placed on him so that we may be saved, all that is ask of us is to believe, confess that we are sinners and follow Jesus.

Lord knows that I am by no means perfect. A friend of mine I think said it best. Christians aren't perfect..............Just Forgiven.


Gooch, two very good churches that I would recommend in my area (which I also think is your area) would be the Raceland Christian Church or the Raceland First Baptist Church. I have personally attended both and can tell you that they will lead you in the right direction. I am praying for you.

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Gooch, you ask us to "to try to convince you that our faith/Religion is the correct one." I give you only one verse to prove my "Faith" and some "logic" based on that faith and you bash me....and I'm the only one that you have bashed.


But thats OK, I can see your are struggling with your own faith as many of us will do. Peter even did this too. Judas kissed away his faith. Mary/Martha didn't understand the reason. But, I forgot I'm talking about this old "Book".



As my Brother KYNineer said..."we are praying for you". and you keep asking questions on here and of course you can "bash me" as much as you feel the need. I've stated on here that I have driven many miles to discuss scriptures with folks and knew they only wanted to bash me as I was going to their place.



Great post Larry, Like I said in my post earlier, you have told him the truth. I also join in that we are praying for Gooch as I have told him in my post.


Again, thanks Larry and I for one very much enjoy reading your post. :thumb:

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Okay Gooch let me run with your big premise -


Jesus was not divine, but was wholly man.


Contrary to what many may believe on this forum, that is a basic Christian discussion question. Many Christian theologians disagree on this one issue and yet they are still Christian Theologians.


At this point many literalists will come behind me and quote scripture like "I and the Father am one . . . if you know Me you know the Father" and so on.


If there were other scholars on here who were unsure about the divinity they could then get on here and quote some scripture that supports that view. . ."Why do you call Me good, there is only one who is good and that is the Father in heaven."


I don't have to believe that Jesus was divine, or that he was born of a virgin (only one of the gospels even makes this claim), or that there was a "physical resurrection" all I have to believe is that Jesus presented the purest picture of God on earth.


I also don't have to believe that "salvation" is all about going to heaven, or not going to hell. I believe that being a Christian is about bringing God's kingdom to earth. It is about peace and healing and loving my fellow humans. It is not about amassing wealth or power or any of that stuff, it is about service and seeing the people are treated justly - as God, who is LOVE would treat them. It is not about having the commandments hanging on the school wall or at the State Capitol, but it is about following the two greatest commandment

Love God

Love Your Neighbor


how do I love God, by loving my neighbor, by praying for my enemy, by giving my shirt off my back to someone who asks to borrow my coat. It is not about saying I got mine and everyone else should be responsible for their own selves, it is about making sure that people's needs are met so that they can then focus on the top of Maslow's hierarchy.


I am afraid that some of the religion you have experienced is religion that told you what you had to believe to get to heaven. I think that is unhealthy religion and ignores the life and teachings of Jesus.


You know, I myself might believe that Jesus was not divine, but that He was uniquely chosen and accepted the responsibility of living his life as God incarnate to show the world the love of God, and that it extends to everyone (even tax collectors) and that He honored this choice and obeyed God even to point of it killing him.


I will offer more later as people respond to me, but my preacher has some very good sermons and especially good columns that deal with God's love in a much different way than what many may be used to. I STRONGLY ENCOURAGE YOU TO TAKE A LOOK AT THE COLUMNS FIRST AND THEN THE SERMONS TO SEE A DIFFERENT PERSPECTICE.





Here we go.... I will check this website out.:thumb:


I am liking this Church the more I read...

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Do you believe he resurrected the dead?

Do you believe he fed the multitudes?

Do you believe in what the day of Easter stands for?

Do you believe he performed any miracles?

If so, how did he perform those miracles?


1. Yes, but does that make him divine?


2. Yes I believe He fed the multitudes, but if I thought this was metaphorical and meant that He fed them spiritually would I be any less of a Christian than you


3. Yes I believe in what the day of Easter stands for . . . can that resurrection be a spiritual, or non-physical one? Does it really matter to my faith either way? I still believe that Christ existed after Good Friday


4/5. Jesus told the disciples that they would perform miracles . . . are they divine?

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1. Yes I believe He fed the multitudes, but if I thought this was metaphorical and meant that He fed them spiritually would I be any less of a Christian than you


2. Yes I believe in what the day of Easter stands for . . . can that resurrection be a spiritual, or non-physical one? Does it really matter to my faith either way? I still believe that Christ existed after Good Friday


3/4. Jesus told the disciples that they would perform miracles . . . are they divine?


If it was spiritual what was the deal with the loaves and the disciples collecting more later than they started with?


With your answer in #1, I need to backtrack and make sure we are on the same page.


What is your definition of divine?

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Here we go.... I will check this website out.:thumb:


I am liking this Church the more I read...


The key gooch is to search with a heart and mind for the truth and not something that simply fits into what you want to believe.


If your search leads you to the thought that Jesus was the Son of God and came down out of Heaven to be a man and sacrifice Himself your You, will you accept that?

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The key gooch is to search with a heart and mind for the truth and not something that simply fits into what you want to believe.


If your search leads you to the thought that Jesus was the Son of God and came down out of Heaven to be a man and sacrifice Himself your You, will you accept that?


You are suggesting that the bolded is all that Jesus was about? WOW, what a waste of 33 years and a lot of scripture. Why not just kill Jesus when Herod was hunting down all of the boys under the age of two? Why have Jesus live any length of time at all?

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You are suggesting that the bolded is all that Jesus was about? WOW, what a waste of 33 years and a lot of scripture. Why not just kill Jesus when Herod was hunting down all of the boys under the age of two? Why have Jesus live any length of time at all?


Sacrificing Himself so that we can live for eternity in heaven is what you call a waste of 33 years of life???????


Needed followers to portray his message once He was crucified.

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Sacrificing Himself so that we can live for eternity in heaven is what you call a waste of 33 years of life???????


Needed followers to portray his message once He was crucified.


No, I just disagree with your premise. I think being a Christian (follower of Jesus) is much more about following Jesus than believing the right theological dictates that are set up by someone proclaiming to KNOW THE TRUTH.


I don't claim to know all the truth, what I do know is that if the Gooch is searching and he finds a place that leads him to a better understanding of God and God's love then that is what really matters.


If that is in a mosque or a synagogue or on the Hour of Power what does it matter as long as the One Who is Love is shown and that Love is shown to others.

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Sacrificing Himself so that we can live for eternity in heaven is what you call a waste of 33 years of life???????


Needed followers to portray his message once He was crucified.


No, I just disagree with your premise. I think being a Christian (follower of Jesus) is much more about following Jesus than believing the right theological dictates that are set up by someone proclaiming to KNOW THE TRUTH.


I don't claim to know all the truth, what I do know is that if the Gooch is searching and he finds a place that leads him to a better understanding of God and God's love then that is what really matters.


If that is in a mosque or a synagogue or on the Hour of Power what does it matter as long as the One Who is Love is shown and that Love is shown to others.

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