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Ocean Cooling to Briefly Halt Global Warming

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Parts of North America and Europe may cool naturally over the next decade, as shifting ocean currents temporarily blunt the global-warming effect caused by mankind, Germany's Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences said.[/Quote]So, with a decade of cooler temperatures behind us, and another decade of sustained cooling anticipated to be ahead of us, we are looking at 20 years of Global Cooling. :walk:


``Those natural climate variations could be stronger than the global-warming trend over the next 10-year period,'' Wood said in an interview. ``Without knowing that, you might erroneously think there's no global warming going on.''[/Quote] :lol:


``If we don't experience warming over the next 10 years, it doesn't mean that greenhouse-gas warming is not with us,'' Keenlyside said in an interview. ``There can be natural fluctuations that may mask climate change in the short term.'' [/Quote]The natural fluctuation is what the alarmists have been calling Global Warming. :rolleyes:




I'm sorry folks, it sounds to me like someone's trying to buy some time, like 10 years. ;) :lol:

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So, with a decade of cooler temperatures behind us, and another decade of sustained cooling anticipated to be ahead of us, we are looking at 20 years of Global Cooling. :walk:




The natural fluctuation is what the alarmists have been calling Global Warming. :rolleyes:




I'm sorry folks, it sounds to me like someone's trying to buy some time, like 10 years. ;) :lol:


You are probably right. Let's all go out in our big pick up trucks, leave all of our lights on and set barrels of oil on fire.


Oceans are always cooler than land temperatures aren't they?

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You are probably right. Let's all go out in our big pick up trucks, leave all of our lights on and set barrels of oil on fire.


Oceans are always cooler than land temperatures aren't they?



Got anything to debate or you just want to do a little drive-by?

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Al Gore and aother global warming alarmists are really getting desperate and have embarked upon a campaign to lower expectations among their followers. My guess is that Gore sees his bottom line threatened and is stalling for time while he looks for a new scam.


On one hand our politicians are committing us to spending unimaginable sums on wind farms, emissions trading schemes, absurdly ambitious biofuel targets, and every kind of tax and regulation designed to reduce our "carbon footprint" - all based on blindly accepting the predictions of computer models that the planet is overheating due to our output of greenhouse gases.


On the other hand, a growing number of scientists are producing ever more evidence to show how those computer models are based on wholly inadequate data and assumptions - as is being confirmed by the behaviour of nature itself (not least the continuing non-arrival of sunspot cycle 24).


The fact is that what has been happening to the world's climate in recent years, since global temperatures ceased to rise after 1998, was not predicted by any of those officially-sponsored models. The discrepancy between their predictions and observable data becomes more glaring with every month that passes. - Watch the web for climate change truths

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I thought this was all part of the process...as the ice caps melt, the oceans cool and it can cause a brief (relatively speaking) period of cold weather. I can't remember all the details though...

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I don't know about all this global warming stuff, but I do know this: We need to take better care of our Earth and if a global warming scare and an urge to feel more "green" is how it happens, then I'm all for it.

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Found it on another site. It was new, therefore I thought some people here might like to see it.
I'm all for as much info either way. I just found it funny that you made that statement and then started a new thread. I have no problem with it, it's one of my favorite topics to argue.
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I don't know about all this global warming stuff, but I do know this: We need to take better care of our Earth and if a global warming scare and an urge to feel more "green" is how it happens, then I'm all for it.
Keeping the environment clean is fine, I just hate seeing the Al Gore's of the world getting their pockets lined by half truths, lies, distortion of facts and flat out guesses.
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