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Bengals Draft

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I liked it except for Shirley. Rubin was still on the board at that pick. Shirley has too much baggage and the Bengals don't need anymore problems. Thurman and Henry should have taught us that lesson. --- While some say Simpson was a reach, I don't know he would have been available in the 3rd. If the Bengals had him rated as their top wide-out they were right to take him. I also like that they DID NOT trade up for Ellis. Really, would you trade Rivers and Sims for Ellis straight up (9th pick and 3rd for 6th pick)? I wouldn't. They picked up two starters by not moving.

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The Bengals took a big risk by picking Fresno State defensive tackle Jason Shirley in the fifth round of the NFL draft today.


Not because of his football skills, but because of his checkered past.


The Bengals, reeling from 10 player arrests in a 14-month span in 2006 and 2007, seemed to take on another liability in Shirley – who played only three games last season because of three separate off-field incidents and suspensions.



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I think they should have moved up and picked either Ellis or even more up and picked Dorsey. I really like that Safety they picked up, I do not know what his name is though. He looks like a game breaker.


Overall B.

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Satisifed with the draft out side of the 2nd round wide out if we are picking 3 recievers. Dan Conner would of been a good pick, and the tight end i thought they should of went running back.


I thought they should have gone after Connor in the 3rd. Maybe trade their first 3rd and maybe a 5th to move up and get Connor.

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I'm satisfied.


Keith Rivers adds depth and talent to the linebacking corps for years to come.


I don't know much about the WR from Coastal, although he's not as big as I would have liked. I'll have to trust the Bengals on that one - they're not going to simply waste picks. And, it's not THAT big of a deal considering we got good deals with Andre Caldwell & Mario Urrutia. Those two will help, IMO. I'd love to see Super Mario with Carson Palmer under center. He's a big, athletic target.


All in all a solid draft. Not too flashy, but solid.

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Your thoughts on the whole draft for our guys?

With the UC Spring Game last night, I've been pretty swamped over the last two days so I don't want to give anything concrete yet. My first instinct is in the B-/C+ range...

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Rivers was the safe pick.

We will always look at either Trevor Laws, and Limas Sweed when grading out Simpson. Maybe he's a good pick.

Sims seemed like a solid pick

The OT also sounds good.

Real suprised about Shirley.

Like the other two recievers. I am kind of suprised with 3 and a TE being picked.

The TE is a recieving TE not a blocker, which is also suprising.

I like the Safety.

I would have liked to have seen 1 more DB.

I am real suprised at no RBs.

That's my take.

It's all speculation right now. Hopefully in a couple of years we can say this was a good draft year for the Bengals.

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