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Some Obama nuggets

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Any objective person knows he didn't mean it in the context that some on the right have chosen to portray it. That kind of "gotcha" politics is getting really old, really fast.


Well, I guess that's the whole point. How exactly do you know with any certainty how he meant it? You might be right, but did Obama ever clarify/repudiate his statement?

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Ask Americans the issues that face them every day and they'll answer taxes, jobs, and the economy. Yet, we make the presidential race about abortion, guns, and a preacher. I don't know a single person that has ever had an abortion. The economy affects me every day. So does taxes. And jobs. It affects just about everyone on here. But let's dissect what Obama thinks about gays. Or what Hilary thinks about abortions. Or what McCain thinks about guns.


What does it matter what a president thinks about abortion? He can't wave a magic wand and change the law. He can't appoint a majority to the Supreme Court to overturn Roe V. Wade.


Take a straw poll of the top 5 issues facing Americans today. Abortion won't even be in the top 10. But let's make a big deal about it in the presidential race.


I want the next president to focus on jobs, the economy, the war in Iraq, and education. THAT should be his/her primary concern.


Abortion and right to life issues are my number one issues. Any person who thinks murdering unborn babies is okay does not deserve to serve the American people in any capacity. There are many more people who feel the same way.

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Abortion and right to life issues are my number one issues. Any person who thinks murdering unborn babies is okay does not deserve to serve the American people in any capacity. There are many more people who feel the same way.


So someone who is pro-choice shouldn't be in the military? I guess I should tell my buddy who's in the Army to go AWOL.:rolleyes:

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Abortion and right to life issues are my number one issues. Any person who thinks murdering unborn babies is okay does not deserve to serve the American people in any capacity. There are many more people who feel the same way.


The fact is that there are more issues that can be fixed quicker and have more of an immediate impact on the American People. Such as Jobs, the economy, The War, and Education.

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But by the very nature of the act it's always going to be a very controversial and polarizing issue. Some people believe strongly that every abortion performed murders a human being, while some people just believe that it is an act of convenience that can be used to correct a mistake. Those two positions are so diametrically opposed that it can't do anything but polarize supporters on both sides and as such will ALWAYS be a huge political issue.


Therein lies the problem - you see it as only two possible positions. I choose position three - I am personally against abortions, but I am also against taking the decision of a doctor and a woman in MY hands and making it for her. By making abortions illegal, you make any medical need to terminate a pregnancy illegal.

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Well, I guess that's the whole point. How exactly do you know with any certainty how he meant it? You might be right, but did Obama ever clarify/repudiate his statement?
The campaign issued a clarification, as I understand it. Of course, that really doesn't matter too much to you guys. You already have the sound bite and talking point you want.
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I don't care about gay marriage. It has no effect on me. Abortion, gun control, etc doesn't affect me on a daily basis. If the economy worsens to the point where I lose my job and get evicted from my home, should I worry about abortion? After losing my home and failing to get a job because they are going to illegal immigrants, should I sleep in my cardboard box yet get a warm and fuzzy feeling because our president is against gay marriage?


At your job, if the company "suits" enact a policy that states janitors must pay for and wear their own uniforms while at work, is that really an issue for you? Are you going to take up their cause at the next board meeting? Probably not. But when you get the memo that states YOU will buy and wear your own uniforms at work, then the issue becomes important because it affects you personally.


Why should I feel good about a president that is pro life and anti guns when the economy, jobs, gas prices, and illegal immigration affect people to the point of losing their homes and blowing their brains out? I look at the issues that affect me directly and vote for the corresponding candidate.


Just curious - what job do you have that is in danger of being taken by an illegal alien?

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Therein lies the problem - you see it as only two possible positions. I choose position three - I am personally against abortions, but I am also against taking the decision of a doctor and a woman in MY hands and making it for her. By making abortions illegal, you make any medical need to terminate a pregnancy illegal.


Not at all.


I have zero issue with an abortion to save a mother. You're correct that's a medical issue.


I have issues with abortion as a method of birth control.

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Just curious - what job do you have that is in danger of being taken by an illegal alien?

My brother does farm work and construction work. Both are affected by illegal aliens taking his job and that hits close to home for me.

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Here's the problem I have with the majority of people who use abortion as the litmus test on choosing a candidate:


90% of those people are doing nothing that prevents the cause of abortion. Abortion is not a legal issue, in my mind, because you can't legislate morality. Even if abortion is ruled illegal, there will be abortions.


Of course, many are satisfied with the result of having women who have abortions put in jail for breaking the law, or the doctors who perform them.


But in the end, the cause for abortion will still be there.


If one is so concerned about abortion, then I would expect to see them supporting sex-education is schools, programs to involve kids to teach them the value of abstinence, and helping fund and volunteering to staff crisis pregnancy counseling centers. Why not spend energy promoting the value of adoption? What about working on a way to make adoption in America a more viable option?


I get so upset by the fact that so many people look to the governement to solve an issue by making it legal or illegal. In the end, I think the efforts spent trying to elect officials that can do relatively little immediately, would be better and more expeditiously spent eliminating the reasons women choose abortion.

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