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CASINO bill dead until at least 2010!


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Absolute hypocrisy, when you allow other, more pervasive, forms of gambling.


It's really pointless to have this whole discussion over again. I believe that expanded gambling is destined to happen. It's just a matter of time...

On your first point, when have I had the chance to express my view on other more pervasive forms of gambling and whether they should be allowed or not? I was not of legal voting age when the lottery or horse racing issue was decided in this country. So when was I a hypocrit?


You seem to want to make us calling for all vices to be outlawed but that is not what I have heard at all in this debate. The debate is on ONE SINGLE ISSUE, whether casino gambling should be allowed in this country. It IS NOT about gambling in general. It is NOT about any other vices. If that is the debate you wish to have, than you need to contact the governor have have the governor bring forth the issue of that.


This governor has brought forth ONE ISSUE and that is the only one we are dealing with. Since we have NEVER had (at least us young BGP posters like me and you) a chance to vote on the other issues you have mentioned, how can I be a hypocrit?


And it might but that does not mean that those of us who don't agree with it should be able to exercise our right to speak against it. Or do you prefer we just be quiet and not say anything?

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Kinda of a personal question here so you can PM me but does not the redhounds receive money from the Bingo halls?


I don't really know the answer to that question. I am unaware of any Bingo Halls generating income. I do know other schools do this, but I don't think we do. If they did I wouldn't support it.

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LBBC, I am glad that you are constant!


However, to say that one type of gambling is alright and another isn't, is just like saying it is ok to get drunk but not ok to get high, both are wrong, or are they...


All in moderation.

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I was right then...and I'm right now. It will pass.




Did you watch Celebrity Apprentice last night? You sound like Gene Simmons.


In his challenge, Kodak wanted a certain thing. He told the customer they were wrong. He was fired by the Donald early in the show. Last night was the finale and Donald asked him if he had changed his mind and he stuck to his guns that Kodak was wrong (despite they doubled their sales with what they wanted to do) and he was right.


He even said that Kodak will see they were wrong and come back to me.

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LBBC, I am glad that you are constant!


However, to say that one type of gambling is alright and another isn't, is just like saying it is ok to get drunk but not ok to get high, both are wrong, or are they...


When was that said?


When was there ever a proposal by the governor on other forms of gambling?????????


The governor has ONLY made one proposal. And that was on casino gambling.

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LBBC, I am glad that you are constant!


However, to say that one type of gambling is alright and another isn't, is just like saying it is ok to get drunk but not ok to get high, both are wrong, or are they...

Amen and pass the collection plate! :thumb:
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Amen and pass the collection plate! :thumb:


And as I said, please show me where I have said that one gambling is wrong and the other is right.


You keep calling me a hypocrit but have yet to show me where I have said or had the chance to say that one form of gambling is wrong and others are right.


I have even posted that the requirement for us coaches to work bingo, I have balked at and said if you want to fire me over it, so be it, but I ain't working bingo because it is gambling and praying on the weak.


The debate that has been presented since November is about casino gambling and not all of the other gambling.

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So when was I a hypocrit?
I don't remember mentioning you by name. :confused:


You seem to want to make us calling for all vices to be outlawed but that is not what I have heard at all in this debate. The debate is on ONE SINGLE ISSUE, whether casino gambling should be allowed in this country.
And therein lies the aforementioned hypocrisy in all it's glory!


And it might but that does not mean that those of us who don't agree with it should be able to exercise our right to speak against it. Or do you prefer we just be quiet and not say anything?
You don't think you should have the right to speak against it? Well, okay then...have it your way. :cool:
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Did you watch Celebrity Apprentice last night? You sound like Gene Simmons.


In his challenge, Kodak wanted a certain thing. He told the customer they were wrong. He was fired by the Donald early in the show. Last night was the finale and Donald asked him if he had changed his mind and he stuck to his guns that Kodak was wrong (despite they doubled their sales with what they wanted to do) and he was right.


He even said that Kodak will see they were wrong and come back to me.

Sadly, your analogy fails to fit the situation. But that's okay, you can't win 'em all. :thumb:
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You keep calling me a hypocrit but have yet to show me where I have said or had the chance to say that one form of gambling is wrong and others are right.
Again, you were never mentioned. You placed yourself in that position.
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And therein lies the aforementioned hypocrisy in all it's glory!




Still haven't seen the hypocrisy.


Was I old enough to vote on whether the lottery needed to be in the system? Don't remember me voting on that.


Was I old enough to make a decision on horse racing in KY? Don't remember that either.


Where have I (or many of the other anti-gambling crew) made a decision that those things are okay and casino gambling is not?

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Sadly, your analogy fails to fit the situation. But that's okay, you can't win 'em all. :thumb:


I wasn't trying to fit any situation, just pointing out another person who steadfastly stood with their position despite all the evidence that they were in the wrong position.


It was an entertaining bit on Celebrity Apprentice last night.

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