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What needs to happen in both girls & boys basketball to make it a better game.

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As far as changes i would like to see the NBA no charge circle be brought into the game, i dont believe you should be able to take a charge if the shooter is 2 feet away from the basket.


I would have to disagree with this statement just for the fact that it is still the court. What I mean is if you can't charge that close to the basket then you shouldn't call a hold under the basket either. If a kid is driving to the basket and the "D" is in position regardless of the location of the court then if its a charge or block. The "O" has to be under control and be aware of the defensive player. I like your point but just feel that the coaches have to teach the kids to be under control and aware of whats going on.


Back to the point.


I think it would be hard to call a girls, and some boys games just because it seems that you only have 2 or 3 players on the court that really understand how to play basketball. When you have 7 other girls or boys that are just filling up space it makes the game ugly and the refs get the blame. When you have two teams that aren't very good it can make the good refs look bad. Last point, kids aren't being taught the fundamentals in the lower grades and it shows when they get to high school and play better teams and this can make the game a whole lot more physical.

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I would have to disagree with this statement just for the fact that it is still the court. What I mean is if you can't charge that close to the basket then you shouldn't call a hold under the basket either. If a kid is driving to the basket and the "D" is in position regardless of the location of the court then if its a charge or block. The "O" has to be under control and be aware of the defensive player. I like your point but just feel that the coaches have to teach the kids to be under control and aware of whats going on.


Back to the point.


I think it would be hard to call a girls, and some boys games just because it seems that you only have 2 or 3 players on the court that really understand how to play basketball. When you have 7 other girls or boys that are just filling up space it makes the game ugly and the refs get the blame. When you have two teams that aren't very good it can make the good refs look bad. Last point, kids aren't being taught the fundamentals in the lower grades and it shows when they get to high school and play better teams and this can make the game a whole lot more physical.


I agree with this totally!

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I agree that fundamentals aren't being taught in the lower grades.


I also feel that if refs would call the fouls on the teams that are more physical , they would have to change their style of play and actually play the game the way it was intended to be played. The sad part is that the teams that actually play ball have to resort to playing dirty to stay in the game. The way to get this changed is for refs to be more diligent in calling the fouls that need to be called and making a team play clean.

I know it is a lot to ask of the refs because at this point many teams are out of control when it comes to roughing up the other team and it is going to be a hard habit to break.

I know most would agree that there are teams that you could name, that you know play dirty and rough, and you expect it before the game even begins.

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I know most would agree that there are teams that you could name, that you know play dirty and rough, and you expect it before the game even begins.


Your right and these teams have for the most part played the same way for many years. The other coach has to find a way to play through this and get his team in the best possible position to beat a team like that. Easy to say I know but the attempt has to be made. On the other hand the officials should know better than anyone that a certain team plays this way and they too have to adjust to the teams on the floor. I think this makes a good ref, one who can adjust to the styles of play and not be so one dementional. I think for a ref this can be very hard, especially one who hasn't called very long. I think the refs that call a lot of boys games and has to do a girls game once every two or three weeks has a hard time adjusting to the play. You can let the boys play though a lot of stuff and not disrupt the flow of the game but with the girls its hard for them to get a flow. (no disrespect to the girls, just feel like there aren't as many athletic girls teams)

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Your right and these teams have for the most part played the same way for many years. The other coach has to find a way to play through this and get his team in the best possible position to beat a team like that. Easy to say I know but the attempt has to be made. On the other hand the officials should know better than anyone that a certain team plays this way and they too have to adjust to the teams on the floor. I think this makes a good ref, one who can adjust to the styles of play and not be so one dementional. I think for a ref this can be very hard, especially one who hasn't called very long. I think the refs that call a lot of boys games and has to do a girls game once every two or three weeks has a hard time adjusting to the play. You can let the boys play though a lot of stuff and not disrupt the flow of the game but with the girls its hard for them to get a flow. (no disrespect to the girls, just feel like there aren't as many athletic girls teams)


Not disrespectful -its upper body strength - plenty of athletic girls teams out there.

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Not disrespectful -its upper body strength - plenty of athletic girls teams out there.


I agree, I like watching two athletic girls teams play, I think its more old school. Your right, loved watching Lex Cath and Clay girls play the past couple of years, great basketball.


Went to my first girls state last year and enjoyed it a lot. Great place to watch and good fundamental ball played.

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I think a shot clock would be the best addition. I also realize that it ain't going to happen. Too many issues implementing.


I probably shouldn't have even brought it up, because its been discussed ad nauseum elsewhere. No need to beat a dead horse.


Keep beating that horse!!! High school ball needs a shot clock. It keeps the game going and keeps the coaches coaching. I have coached both high school and AAU ball with the clock. AAU is a much better paced game where you must coach and do more. I think the foul problem would be addressed by the clock also. If you hvae only a limited amount of time to get the job done, the other team knows they have a chance getting the ball back and will play a more patient game.

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The "no Call" that really bugs me and that has resulted in injuries is the diving on top of another player after a loose ball. It is ridiculus that when 2 people are on the floor wrestling for a ball a third player can basically hop on top and it not be a foul.


How is that different than over the back or a push.

Or there is one person chasing the ball and another player basically knocks them out of the way with their body.


We have had busted lips, black eyes, and concussions from this as well as having the breath knocked out of the player.



I am surprised that this question has not been discussed more. I see probably 40-50 HS games a year and this is a very common occurance. A loose ball on the floor almost always results in a player or two or three diving onto a pile as if they are trying to recover a fumbled football. I too have to ask why this kind of physical play is allowed. I have seen time after time kids get banged up in those situations.


I have to agree with the OP that it seems as though the game has gotten more and more physical over the past several years.

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Keep beating that horse!!! High school ball needs a shot clock. It keeps the game going and keeps the coaches coaching. I have coached both high school and AAU ball with the clock. AAU is a much better paced game where you must coach and do more. I think the foul problem would be addressed by the clock also. If you hvae only a limited amount of time to get the job done, the other team knows they have a chance getting the ball back and will play a more patient game.


Shooting percentages are already abysmal in boys' and girls' HS basketball, and it would get much worse if there was a shot clock. And it's not like teams are playing four corners; most teams get their shots off in a reasonable amount of time. Once in a while you will see a team kill 1:00 to 1:30 of clock time at the end of a half or game.


A shot clock would not -- I repeat, WOULD NOT -- increase scoring.

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[quote=Jim Schue;2614433}

A shot clock would not -- I repeat, WOULD NOT -- increase scoring.


I agree with this 100%. There would be more fouls, less points and would give the coach something else to worry about. Just play the game like it is ment to be played and let the best team win.

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The fastest way to improve HSBB is to pay the refs more $. Make it worth their time, then there would be more qualified folks doing this. Then there would be less people like me complaining of how bad the refs are.:D


Sure the guys doing it now would love to be payed more but I don't think it would improve the quality of refs. It would just make more people want to do it because of the money. In KY most refs don't do it for the money, if that was the case no one would do it, you don't make that much. I don't care if you give them 100.00 a game it won't make a dif because as long as you have us (parents and coaches) they will still stink in most peoples eyes.

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Sure the guys doing it now would love to be payed more but I don't think it would improve the quality of refs. It would just make more people want to do it because of the money. In KY most refs don't do it for the money, if that was the case no one would do it, you don't make that much. I don't care if you give them 100.00 a game it won't make a dif because as long as you have us (parents and coaches) they will still stink in most peoples eyes.


Well said!:thumb:

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I just finished Ken Kaiser's book, Planet of the Umps. (very entertaining). He commented that umpires (applies to all officials) are there so that coaches and players have someone to blame for their mistakes and inability to complete the play. ;)


Officials are not the only ones that can make a difference in the quality of the game.

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