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Dixie 26 Simon Kenton 15


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Molony had a very solid game accounting for all 3 touchdowns. Add a field goal and 3 PATs, and a safety caused by the punter stepping on the endline, and you have 26.


SK score early on a short run (I think) and a 2 point conversion pass from Ponzer. They then scored in the fourth on about a 55 yard pass. They used Ponzer as a decoy to perfection causing both defenders to bite leaving the other receiver WIDE open.

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Sounds like a closer game than I expected.


Molony sounds like the read deal.


Molony is tough. I think he's lost a little speed since his sophomore year, but he's 10 times tougher. It wasn't pleasant watching him blow chunks through his facemask twice tonight. He had a nice return too that setup one of his touchdowns.


SK had problems containing the edges tonight. Their ends and linebackers were getting sucked into the middle. If they could've slowed that down, it could've been an even closer game. They were able to slow down the passing attack of Dixie, and ended up with 2 or 3 picks. Plus, they have decent team speed. Offensively, they've got two nice size backs in #'s 40 and 30 (Simpson). The qb has a decent arm too. His decision making was a little shaky, but it's only his 2nd varsity start. Not having Gibson definitely hurts them on both sides of the ball. Also, anyone know why Ponzer isn't returning kicks? That really didn't make sense to me.

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I didn't go to this one tonight because I thought it would be a dog. Went to the Lloyd vs Beechwood game instead. It was a very good game BTW.


Now I wish I had gone to see Dixie vs SK. Doesn't sound to me like Dixie is progressing since the NCC scrimmage much. How can that be?

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I didn't go to this one tonight because I thought it would be a dog. Went to the Lloyd vs Beechwood game instead. It was a very good game BTW.


Now I wish I had gone to see Dixie vs SK. Doesn't sound to me like Dixie is progressing since the NCC scrimmage much. How can that be?



SM32, I really think one factor could be the new offense. Tonight another delay of game penalty because the coach did not get the play in. Too much running around trying to make sure all know the play. Once again our opponent picked up on the play signals early. I believe we got flagged at least 3 times for movement, my son once, Derek, EJ. It just doesn't look that crisp yet. At times the offense looked unstoppable but then they shoot theirselves in the foot. It wasn't pretty, but the Colonels got it done.

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SM32, I really think one factor could be the new offense. Tonight another delay of game penalty because the coach did not get the play in. Too much running around trying to make sure all know the play. Once again our opponent picked up on the play signals early. I believe we got flagged at least 3 times for movement, my son once, Derek, EJ. It just doesn't look that crisp yet. At times the offense looked unstoppable but then they shoot theirselves in the foot. It wasn't pretty, but the Colonels got it done.


The " O " is still very vanilla and alot of mistakes ! Someone needs to step-up opposite of EJ ! The line still needs to finish off and theirs still to many people standing around after 1st blocks ! Hit , drive and finish ! And keep blocking until the whistle blows ! I did like the rotation of players going in and out !:thumb: Its still early and I know there still working on some things!:thumb:

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Personally I think Maloney should be more of a focal point for DH. Dixie likes to spread the field but I honestly believe they'd be a much better team if they focused on the run a bit more. Bricking threw 2 picks but his Wr's missed a few easy ones that would have really helped DH break away for a bigger win. SK had a very nice drive to go up 8-6 but didn't do much on "O" until Bustle hit the big play to #21 with about 7 minutes left in the 4th.

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The " O " is still very vanilla and alot of mistakes ! Someone needs to step-up opposite of EJ ! The line still needs to finish off and theirs still to many people standing around after 1st blocks ! Hit , drive and finish ! And keep blocking until the whistle blows ! I did like the rotation of players going in and out !:thumb: Its still early and I know there still working on some things!:thumb:


It seemed like to me that Bricking and #26 (Brock?) weren't on the same page on quite a few pass routes. Maybe that is a result of the new offense adjustments mentioned above. They get this worked out and that might be the compliment needed for EJ.


Dixie went up 26-8 in the third quarter, and I thought they were going to run away with it. Give SK credit, they stayed in there and fought bought.


Something else I found interesting was late in the game when Dixie was having a hard time finding any running room between the tackles, even though they had a noticeable size advantage on the line. As Nees mentioned, when they ran wide, it was a different story.


Congrats, Dixie, on the win. Keep improving each week. SK, keep playing hard with the intensity you demonstrated tonight, and you will do just fine this year.

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Dixie's offense is still struggling IMO. They don't seem to have any rhythm or flow and seem to shoot themselves in the foot with turnovers and penalties to kill drives and scoring oppurtunities. Last week they keep going 3 and out, and the defense was on the field constantly. Beechwood had to have had double the time of posession as Dixie. The Colonels had the oppurtunity to put this game out of reach by halftime, but just keep sputtering on offense, if they continue this trend in district play the outcome will be the same as the Beechwood game. Thier offense needs to get in gear and take some pressure off the defense by grinding out finishing drives and scoring touchdowns. Dixie should be 2-0 right now!

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