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Disappointing 16th Region Preview

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This is an exciting time of year for all high school basketball fans. In this area, most look forward to the 16th Region preview in the Daily Independent. It is a bit of a traditional read as all schools get set for a second chance at success- regardless of the likelihood or unliklihood of achieving that success.


With this air of anticipation, many, I'm sure, turned to the sports section this morning. But, alas, disappointment. Lots of coverage of another UK choke. (Does anyone really care anymore?). Good Kenseth, U of L, and OSU coverage. The districts? We did get a schedule and the sports editor's picks to win each region. That's it.


Was anyone else disappointed with the local "preview"?

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This is an exciting time of year for all high school basketball fans. In this area, most look forward to the 16th Region preview on the Daily Independent. It is a bit of a traditional read as all schools get set for a second chance at success- regardless of the likelihood or unliklihood of achieving that success.


With this air of anticipation, many, I'm sure turned to the sports section this morning. But, alas, disappointment. Lots of coverage of another UK choke. (Does anyone really care anymore?). Good Kenseth, U of L, and OSU coverage. The districts? We did get a schedule and the sports editor's picks to win each region. that's it.


Was anyone else disappointed with the local "preview"?


I have said this for about 15 years now, and I am still waiting for a millionaire to give me some backing. Some one (That being me) needs to start just a Ashland Area Sports paper only. Dont have to be daily, just weekly and in tourney time bi-weekly. I am talking from grade school coverage and up. Not college just local grade schools, middle and high schools. It would be self supporting. Who wouldnt want to support their children and grandchildren? Businesses would jump all over this. You are right SB, the Daily Enquirer missed the boat on todays morning paper!

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I have said this for about 15 years now, and I am still waiting for a millionaire to give me some backing. Some one (That being me) needs to start just a Ashland Area Sports paper only. Dont have to be daily, just weekly and in tourney time bi-weekly. I am talking from grade school coverage and up. Not college just local grade schools, middle and high schools. It would be self supporting. Who wouldnt want to support their children and grandchildren? Businesses would jump all over this. You are right SB, the Daily Enquirer missed the boat on todays morning paper!



I had an interesting phone call a few minutes ago about the ADI and Your post SB. Like Big Bubba and Scooter Bob had something to do with it?????

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Not trying to threadjack at all; just a comparison. Maysville Ledger-Independent came out with it's 39th District previews as inserts in today's paper. Boys and girls each got a 16-page preview of their own; with color photos on the front; team rosters and pictures and pretty detailed stories on each of the four teams. Not bad this year.

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I feel that the Daily Independent has been lacking in local sports coverage all


I too was looking for a real nice article on team's and player's,top pick's etc.

like Maynard alway's did,but NO GOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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I have said this for about 15 years now, and I am still waiting for a millionaire to give me some backing. Some one (That being me) needs to start just a Ashland Area Sports paper only. Dont have to be daily, just weekly and in tourney time bi-weekly. I am talking from grade school coverage and up. Not college just local grade schools, middle and high schools. It would be self supporting. Who wouldnt want to support their children and grandchildren? Businesses would jump all over this. You are right SB, the Daily Enquirer missed the boat on todays morning paper!

How about this?


Big Bubba's Ball Boy Bulletin


:D :D :D

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Some one need's to start a 16th region newspaper and cover "ALL THE


TEAM'S AND PLAYER'S" from the 16th. Not just a select few.


Reckon the Daily Independent would deliver them inside their paper if we asked??:D :thumb: :eek: :ylsuper: :banana: :scared: :flame:

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Besides just here on BGP, someone needs to write the ADI. I agree, the sports covereage has been lacking. I generally read the sports first and then the front page, if time permits. But I hate to say it, I read the front first and maybe the sports.

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