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Ted Haggard: Heterosexual


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He obviously has homosexual interests. I do not believe that going "away" suddenly changes your interests and urges. He has a sexual interest in men today like he had before his "treatment." The question is not is he gay but, rather, will he act upon those urges.

So it is his choice. Whether the urges are natural or a product of something is another debate.

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So it is his choice. Whether the urges are natural or a product of something is another debate.
Acting on one's urges is a choice, of course. Are celibate priests heterosexuals if they desire women, but suppress their urges?



I think the answer is clearly 'yes' within the definition of heterosexuality:


One who is ATTRACTED to members of the opposite sex.

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This is threadjacking, but I had a guy testify in court today that the only times he had ever smoked marijuana were the four times he had been caught and convicted of it. I left the hearing thinking of this thread and Haggard's claims that the only time he ever acted out his homosexual urge was the one he was caught with. I tend to be skeptical of claims like that.

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Ted might want to pass the phone number of that clinic on to Ex Senator Foley.......haven't heard if he's fixed yet.



I always heard that the worst thing that could happen to a politician is to be caught with either a dead girl or a live boy...:creepy:

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What's so hard to believe about this?

Are you being serious?


I realize I don't venture into P&R very often (for many reasons), so I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic and I missed it or you're serious.


You can't really be thinking that you believe he could leave for 90 days and be "cured" of being gay...right?

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Are you being serious?


I realize I don't venture into P&R very often (for many reasons), so I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic and I missed it or you're serious.


You can't really be thinking that you believe he could leave for 90 days and be "cured" of being gay...right?

I don't believe that homosexuality is genetic. But I will grant you the 90 day cure claim is dubious. I don't know of any sexual pervisions (for lack of a better word) that can be cured without long-term treatment, if they can be cured at all. They seem to brand themselves on the brain like some narcotics.
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