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Would anyone like to change their answer? Is Peyton Manning the greatest of all time?

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I asked it before, in this thread.



Here are some responses. Would anyone like to change their answer?


It's hard to make an argument for him as the hands down best ever when he wasn't won a Super Bowl.



He is one of the best Regular Season QB's of all time.


Best ever? He isn't even the best current QB in the NFL. I'll take Tom Brady over Peyton Manning any day of the week, but especially on Sundays. And especially in January, when it matters most!


He had Edge and a great defense last year and they lost in their first playoff game. What more does he need to win a Super Bow...the All-Madden roster?


The fact is Peyton, for at least the last 3 years, has had as much, if not more, to work with than any other QB in the league. The "not enough support" excuse doesn't fly with Peyton like it did with Marino. The Colts just haven't got the job done with him under center, and he has to be held at least somewhat responsible. There are no excuses.


He is very calm and clutch in the regular season, but that all seems to go away in the playoffs. And that is where being clutch really matters...


I do not think he will be the best of all time. I dont think he will ever get a superbowl ring. As I said before I think Eli would get one before Peyton ever does.


Manning isn't close too the best of all time. You have got to show that you can win the big games before you even get invited to the discussion. Manning isn't even close to winning the big games and he has had great supporting casts.


And of course, my favorite....


He's great in the regular season.


In the playoffs, he's on par with Ryan Leaf. :D :fire:

He's great at piling up the numbers. I'd never dream of taking that away from him. In that regard, he's just like when he was the QB at Tennessee. Funny how they won a national title after he left …


Great all-time? Nah.


I think Peyton's biggest problem is he is incapable of elevating his game when the stakes are highest. Also, it seems that he doesn't make any adjustments come playoff time, thinking that what worked in the regular season will obviously work in the postseason.


And, he's a choker.


Really, this is his ninth season, and he's 3-6 in playoff games, more often than not with the favorite team. Surely he's had plenty of opportunities.


But keep on giving him a free pass, and I will continue to laugh when the TV cameras show that inevitable sideline shot of Peyton with the "what happened?" look on his face as he's losing yet again to a team he's not supposed to lose to.


Again: great regular season quarterback who is incapable of elevating his game when it matters most. That, to me, screams "choker."


No, I'm just saying that Peyton Manning — who is billed by many to be the best QB in the game today, and billed by some to be the best ever — is incapable of elevating his game when it matters most. If he's as great as he's billed to be, he could will his team to wins in the big situations, something truly great QBs like Tom Brady, Joe Montana, Terry Bradshaw, Roger Staubach, Ken Stabler, Bart Starr, John Elway and a host of others were able to do.


All Peyton does is lose in the playoffs with favored teams — oftentimes to teams the Colts had just drilled in the same regular season. The only thing he's really shown is that he owns the Broncos, and that's not saying much when they have Jake Plummer — also a well-known choker — at the helm.

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I asked it before, in this thread.



Here are some responses. Would anyone like to change their answer?












And of course, my favorite....



Nope I will stick to what I have said. Manning is definitely ONE of the best of all time, but I wouldn't say he is the greatest. This is the argument that should decide the best QB not super bowls, and that is what makes the best QB? The best QB would be able to play pretty much at his top level in any condition. Manning plays atleast half of his games in a dome when weather plays no factor at all. When it is well known that Manning in poorer conditions doesn't do to great. Today he had the numbers, but besides from the short little passes to the runningback he really wasn't the most accurate throwing to receivers downfield or even midrange at all. In cold weather Manning also usually does not do to great, those are things I would take into consideration. So no I dont think Manning is the best ever, he isn't even the best in the league right now IMO, because that is Brady. Tom Brady has won rings, and also plays pretty much great and clutch IN ANY WEATHER. He plays good in the rain, cold, snow, etc. Before the middle of this year he played on one of the worst home surfaces in football yet he still got it done. Also Brady proves what he can do if he played in a dome like Manning, because Brady has only LOST ONE GAME EVER in a dome and that was just the last game and he had a very good game that day.


So once again I dont change my answer because I dont believe he is the best ever, and he IMO isn't even the best in the NFL today. BUT as I said he definitely is one of the best of all time, and nobody can question that...:thumb:

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At the end of his career, he is going to hold every record their is to hold for a QB. If not Manning, then who is the best QB ever?


I don't know. But I can't bring myself to give Peyton the nod.


Congrats to him for *finally* winning the big one, after numerous tries.

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Hard to say best yet but he is definatly up there now and there is little that will keep him off the all time greats list. I will say I THINK HE IS THE MOST PREPARED QB EVER!!!!!!!!! He is right there in the most prepared in any sport as a matter of fact. Love him or hate him there is no denying his preperation and dedication as a teammate! This is one of my best nights in NFL history! The Bengals are #1 in my heart but to see Dungy and Manning win it along with a lot of other Colts is very gratifying!

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I don't know. But I can't bring myself to give Peyton the nod.


Congrats to him for *finally* winning the big one, after numerous tries.

Give him another defense in the past and he wins a lot more IMO. I think the whole Manning never winning it is WAY overated! The Colts defense sure as heck hasn't been like the Ravens or somebody in the past although they played big tonight!

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Give him another defense in the past and he wins a lot more IMO. I think the whole Manning never winning it is WAY overated! The Colts defense sure as heck hasn't been like the Ravens or somebody in the past although they played big tonight!


The defense played a huge role in this years run.


No, he is not the best of all time IMO. Congrats on finally getting a ring though.

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Give him another defense in the past and he wins a lot more IMO. I think the whole Manning never winning it is WAY overated! The Colts defense sure as heck hasn't been like the Ravens or somebody in the past although they played big tonight!


Give Carson a top ranked defense and the Bengals would have won the super bowl this year. So you really cant say that, because that is just not possible. When your teams like the Bengals and Colts, your money is invested in the offense so it is impossible to have a great defense as well...

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