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Comments by Male High's Basketball coach regarding two sport stars.


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Play everything you can in High school, for 99% of the kids its over after that . Have a good time and be the best you can be at each sport. Personally I think it would pay kids in basketball and baseball to play football. Lots of life lessons to be learned in the hard knocks.

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I can think of 1 Mr.Basketball that played football[Chris Lofton]but I can think of several Mr.Football's that played basketball. How many head basketball coaches can you name that had son's that played football?I can name a bunch of head football coach's who had son's that also played basketball.

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Play everything you can in High school, for 99% of the kids its over after that . Have a good time and be the best you can be at each sport. Personally I think it would pay kids in basketball and baseball to play football. Lots of life lessons to be learned in the hard knocks.


I agree completely. This is HIGHSCHOOL! Since when do we pay these kids to play these sports?? Who in the world does this guy think he is saying something like that? Come on now - these are boys. Let them play whatever they want, and if it is basketball and football - congrats to them to be skilled enough to play both!


How about Michael Bush? Male stand out for football and played basketball as well. I bet he wouldn't have wanted him to pick - he might have picked football!

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The fact of the matter is that EVERY decent kid who plays H.S. sports is having his head filled with nonsense about scholarships, money, etc, etc. Coaches point to a player that works at one sport year round and say, "See if you do what he does, you'll get a scholarship." The truth of the matter is that nearly all kids that play sports in H.S. won't get scholarships. And that is fine. Even fewer will make it 4 years playing college sports, and very, very few will become professional athletes. So why limit yourself? IMO I've seen 2 very distinct things.


1. Kids are afraid to be embarassed. I'm not as good at sport A, I don't play as much(even though I'm only a sophomore), so I'll stick to sport B.


2. Kids want to play..........NOW........or else. If you don't play me, I'm not playing.


How can any of this be better for KIDS???

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The fact of the matter is that EVERY decent kid who plays H.S. sports is having his head filled with nonsense about scholarships, money, etc, etc.


Amen OR. People don't want to hear it, but the truth is that the very best thing 99% of these athletes could do in the off-season to ensure getting a college scholarship is to get stellar grades & take a good ACT or SAT prep course.


It's very selfish & transparent for some coach to push a high school kid to quit a sport that he enjoys playing. Whatever you go on to do (or not do) with your life, you still only get one chance to be a high school athlete. So do it all, if you want.

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I can think of 1 Mr.Basketball that played football[Chris Lofton]but I can think of several Mr.Football's that played basketball. How many head basketball coaches can you name that had son's that played football?I can name a bunch of head football coach's who had son's that also played basketball.


Drew Simpson (son of Head Basketball Coach-Steve Simpson) started and did well at QB for South Oldham. Steve is very supportive basketball players who want to play football.

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I guess Brian Brohm could have been a better basketball player if not for football. Let these kids have fun and become a better athlete. Male always has a few kids like Doug B. who play both and they are always really good in both sports.

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Most of the best athletes at the high school level play multiple sports. And most of them are good at all of those sports. Tim Couch was one of the best basketball players in the state. Anthony Epps was a great high school football player. IMO playing one and only one sport would make that sport seem like a job. High school and high school sports should be the best time in these kids lives. This guy is nuts, it's like making a kid choose their job when they're 13-14 years old.

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A coach that thinks this way is doing an injustice to the kids and the program that he represents. It is selfish for any coach to try and discourage a kid to play a sport that he has a passion for. The high school experience is a one time thing and as a coach you should do everything in your power to not only encourage the kids in your school to play but also give them your support 100%.

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Amen brother "The Golfer".

I have said this for years. Baseball and basketball can practice all year, but not football. And football is still king. A large amount of schools make the majority of their athletic money from football. I never see as many people at a basketball game as I do at football games.

Many basketball coaches believe this way, they only play some football players because thay can not win with out them. If they had a choice they would no let them play at all.

I have noticed a trend in my area where most football players have quite playing basketball, because of the basketball coaches attitude toward football players.

:thumb: Very true. This has been a problem in our area in the past and it still exist today.

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That's 1 does anyone know of any others?I can think of any.


The Class A player of the year, Ross Deaton, of Somerset. Dad is head basketball coach at Whitley Co.


...and, because I have a lot to do today, I won't even START writing a response to what Coach Crews said, except that considering his philosophy, why doesn't HE make the choice to coach basketball in COLLEGE where the kids DO generally have to make the choice to play just one sport?

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