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2007 Boyle County


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The talent will be at Boyle next season. With 8 soph's on defence last season, it can only improve. The offence.. with the return of Perry at quarterback, Stevens at running back, and many underclassman recievers the offence will be improved. Remember these names "Jordan Aumiller & Reese McShara ". Boyle was young last season, they need to grow up. 1 year can make a big difference in next seasons team.


To me the key to next season is NO Distractions like this past year. Last season there was too many "Cheifs" and not enough Indians. With Lex Cath in our district it will bring back memories of 1999-2000 (4 of the best games that I have ever whitness).

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The Coaches need to improve on their play calling. Seriously.



Will Pardue take over the OC chores or leave them where they were? That is a big question many Rebel fans are curious to have answered.

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Will Pardue take over the OC chores or leave them where they were? That is a big question many Rebel fans are curious to have answered.

I cannot understand why a man who has such talent in callling the offense plays would release it to someone who I think isn't qualified to make the calls. I am not trying to be negative about the OC now but let's face it, Pardue is one of the best.


I have to agree with Rebel and say that there cannot be the distractions for this upcoming team as it was this past season. Someone needs to realize the talent and use it correctly.


I agree with Super when he says that the coaching has got to make a change. If you have a coach/coaches that cannot work with kids, then they don't need to be there.


Boyle county had the talent this past season but I do not think that it was used correctly.

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Boyle will be upperclassmen dominated this year and they all need to start playing like Boyle County of old. Coach Smith used to tell Sophmores that started that 3 games into the season they were officially upperclassmen. He wouldnt allow them being sophmores to use that as an excuse. I think that if the O-line play improves, especially in the run game, they could have a good year. They need to fill the TE spots because those have always been very productive positions in the BC offense (Brad Cloud, Adam Tamme, Bobby Leffew, Josh Miller). The defense should be great under Coach Hester again this year. They need to improve in the middle. The D-Linemen (all 4 of them at times) were getting pushed back...there were too many running lanes, and they need to find a consistent partner with Sloane as a weak side middle linebacker. But ever since they lost Pardue as OC the offense hasnt been nearly as productive. Play calling must improve, but so does every aspect of the team for them to have a chance. Last year i heard alot of excuses and this year their shouldnt be as much. Good Luck Rebs, i know you can do it


Strengths- Defense, Tradition, Returning Starters, Upperclass dominated,


Must Improve- Heart, Desire, Strength, Running Game


Desperately need to improve- Play-Calling, leadership

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With Lex Cath in our district it will bring back memories of 1999-2000 (4 of the best games that I have ever whitness).


No doubt were these games awesome. 16 points is the margin of victory for all four games combined. Man did it suck to be on the losing sideline for them. Im very happy to see these two back in district together.

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yes, Boye and Lex Cath was developing into a GREAT rivalry and I was disappointed when they no longer played. I think Boyle will be vastly improved next season and think they will make a nice run. I look forward to seeing the Rebels and Titans part II as well, great atmosphere last year!

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I think the Rebels are on the vurge of a great season. However, in order for that to happen, Coach Pardue "has" to take back over the offensive play calling. I think the defense will be fine, as coach Hester will have those guys ready, and will improve over the course of the season. Everyone has to come back, and they must play with passion and complete dedication. I mean they have to stay focused throughout the offseason and work hard to get stronger. Another big thing is no "DISTRACTIONS". Last year was horrible for off the field problems. Jim Spears (AD) needs to make sure there are no issues with our field.


Good luck Rebels, I am counting down to that first game against

Bowling Green, @WKU. I can't wait, should be an awesome game.

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I don't think the field was nearly as bad as was indicated. I think it was used as leverage to get turf. I agree that distractions never help but I do not think it should have affected the way they played. I am a rebel supporter too but I think the field problems were the least of the teams issues last season. IMO

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I cannot understand why a man who has such talent in callling the offense plays would release it to someone who I think isn't qualified to make the calls. I am not trying to be negative about the OC now but let's face it, Pardue is one of the best.


I have to agree with Rebel and say that there cannot be the distractions for this upcoming team as it was this past season. Someone needs to realize the talent and use it correctly.


I agree with Super when he says that the coaching has got to make a change. If you have a coach/coaches that cannot work with kids, then they don't need to be there.


Boyle county had the talent this past season but I do not think that it was used correctly.



Who was the OC at Boyle last year?

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Who was the OC at Boyle last year?

If I am wrong, please correct me, but is is my understanding that Davis did most of the Offensive calling this past year. Pardue has such a great talent for that, I can't quite figure out why he doesn't do more of it. I have to also agree with a poster above, the field was the least of their troubles this past year.

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yes, Boye and Lex Cath was developing into a GREAT rivalry and I was disappointed when they no longer played. I think Boyle will be vastly improved next season and think they will make a nice run. I look forward to seeing the Rebels and Titans part II as well, great atmosphere last year!


Yeah, I believe this rivalry is going to become huge. I'm looking forward to that one.

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