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Barack Obama's middle name?

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I heard on Hannity's radio show today that it was Hussein. Talk about bad Karma. I'm suprised no one has brought it up in the media until now.

Maybe they have but I haven't seen it.


Could it effect voters in a presidential run?

Yes, Hussein is his middle name.


Will his name effect some voters decision when casting a ballot? Sadly, yes.

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I heard on Hannity's radio show today that it was Hussein. Talk about bad Karma. I'm suprised no one has brought it up in the media until now.

Maybe they have but I haven't seen it.


Could it effect voters in a presidential run?


What does it matter? He didn't study the life of Sadaam Hussein and decide that is who he wanted to share a name with. On top of that, I seriously doubt anyone who would change their vote based on a Muslim name would already be voting for an African-American Democrat.

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What does it matter? He didn't study the life of Sadaam Hussein and decide that is who he wanted to share a name with. On top of that, I seriously doubt anyone who would change their vote based on a Muslim name would already be voting for an African-American Democrat.


I'm in agreement with bugatti on this. IMO it would effect voters. I'm not saying that's fair but probably the case.


Would people voted for William "Hitler" Clinton or George "Jong-il" Bush?

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I'm in agreement with bugatti on this. IMO it would effect voters. I'm not saying that's fair but probably the case.


Would people voted for William "Hitler" Clinton or George "Jong-il" Bush?


I'd vote for a George "Jong-il" in a heartbeat. Yet not George W... hmm.

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I'm in agreement with bugatti on this. IMO it would effect voters. I'm not saying that's fair but probably the case.


Would people voted for William "Hitler" Clinton or George "Jong-il" Bush?



As Habib said, those voters would never get past "Barack."

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You combine Hussein with Obama (sounds like Osama) and he might as well be named Adolph Stalin in some peoples mind. If there was a GOP candidate running for office with a name like Barack's, and that was all I knew about the guy, I doubt that I would vote for him.

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Could you get past the donkey?;)


Odd that you ask. The answer is an unqualified "YES". I can't remember ever voting a straight ticket, and that is covering over 30 years in the voting booth.


My grandmother was a devout Republican, and took great pride in reminding me that it was my solemn duty to "get in there and pull that rooster's tail". By the time I voted in my second Presidential election, I realized that voting for the party (either party) was the very definition of "willful ignorance".




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You combine Hussein with Obama (sounds like Osama) and he might as well be named Adolph Stalin in some peoples mind. If there was a GOP candidate running for office with a name like Barack's, and that was all I knew about the guy, I doubt that I would vote for him.


Ahhhhh - there's the difference, though, HHSDad. You would never consider going into the booth, with no more knowledge of the candidates than the spelling of the name on the ballot.




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You combine Hussein with Obama (sounds like Osama) and he might as well be named Adolph Stalin in some peoples mind. If there was a GOP candidate running for office with a name like Barack's, and that was all I knew about the guy, I doubt that I would vote for him.


I think you're right. I heard a story on NPR this morning about a political rally in Chicago where people were getting all excited about Obama's potential candidacy, and I thought, "these people are setting themselves up for a huge disappointment if they think a guy with a name like that has a chance of winning the Presidency."

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I don't think it will matter. What will matter is his weak record in office.

Slick marketing and the right politically savvy moves can overcome a weak record in the eyes of many, many uninformed and don't care voters. Moreso, they want someone to be excited about rather than convinced they have the seasoning to do the job.


Barack vs. Hillary should be interesting.


Hillary with Barack as VP or vice versa would be interesting and potentially very motivating to Democrats.

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