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What's the Most Exotic Animal You've Ever Eaten?


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From the ocean, fried sea horse, sea anemone and something called a gooeyduck. Horrible. I challenge Andrew Zimmern to try deep fried sea horse. It would make a billy goat puke.


From land, I've had ostrich and rattlesnake, the former was good, the latter not so much. I've also eaten some bugs, usually while intoxicated, but puked every time.

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I eat lamb regularly, not sure if that is exotic or not. I made yacht tale a couple of years ago.


Has any ever eaten Cicadas? I've heard stories but have never met anyone that actually did it.

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Goat , Raccoon , Eel , Groundhog , Frogs , Turtle , Bear ( yuk) and one that I'd guess very few if any have had , fresh Ceviche with what the locals in Mexico - Cozumel - call sea cockroach , its called Chitin , clings to rocky shorelines , you pry them off with a sharp knife , rinse off , soak in fresh water and pry the shell away and mince into fresh ceviche ( lime, garlic, tomato and cilantro ) . Actually didnt have much flavor .

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Back in the mid 70's I ate some things in the Holmes High School cafeteria that were alleged to be meat products but didn't look like anything I'd ever seen before. So, I'll go with Sasquatch and unicorn.


Classic. Thanks for the hardy laugh.

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Elk - Awesome

Turtle - in soup was ok

Squirrel - ok

Rabbit - good

Quail - excellent

Alligator - Good

Escargot (snails) - Awesome in lots and lots and lots of garlic melted butter


Add shark steak and bison to Maniacs list which I enjoyed all of...I'll also add wild turkey. The breast is the only redeemable part and is best cut into strips, sauteed and deep fried!!!

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Never had Shark I liked, too firm, too ?? ? too unmatched to frying and just not good


On the grill for 10 minutes both sides and "chow down".


download (1).jpg


I will admit, there has been a time or two that I've got a bad piece that was "firm" as you put it, but far and few between.

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Not really exotic, but while I was in England I tried a staple of their traditional breakfast, Black Pudding, which is fried pig's blood.


It's served looking like a blackish sausage patty a little on the crispy side.


It wasn't bad, and if I hadn't been told what it was I would've just thought that it was a burnt sausage patty, yet I still couldn't completely get past knowing what it was, so I only barely finished about half of it.




That looks like eggs and brownies to me. :lol2:

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Alligator. It was so blackened, I couldn't tell it from anything else blackened.


Also been to game. Had ground up kangaroo, or so it said on the menu. Couldn't really tell


My brother-in-law has tried to smoke gator several times. Keeps turning out like rubber. Not close to eatable.

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