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BGP QOTD: What's your "I can't believe I'm actually witnessing this" moment?


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Summer 1976, around 2 am. I'm out for a walk (stone sober). I hear a horrible crash, run to the crest in the road, and see that a car had pulled out from a side street in front of another car on the road I'm on. The kid in one car has lost most of his teeth from hitting the steering wheel when the other car pulled in front of him. He's not concerned about himself (probably in shock), but rather his friend who was right behind him on a motorcycle.


I see the crushed wreckage of the motorcycle, and find the rider about 50-80 feet away on the side of the road, his legs broken in multiple places. At this point a car came by, & I was able to flag it down to have them go for help. I keep talking to the biker, trying to keep him from trying to get up, and wait for help.


As the police & ambulance arrive, I finally become aware of the 2nd car that got t-boned when he pulled out into traffic. The guy's left arm is hanging outside the car window by a thin strip of skin/muscle. Fortunately for him, he was so drunk that he barely felt it. I thought that "this can't be real." I also thought I was going to lose it.

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May 28, 1977, The Beverly Hills Supper Club fire. At 15 years old, several of us were riding around in Cincy and Newport with a friend who had turned 16 late the previous year. We heard all the sirens and soon saw all the smoke off in the distance. Curious, we were drawn to it, got as close as we could, parked and got closer on foot. We decided to walk up the hill that led to the supper club where many people dressed up but dirty from smoke were walking down the hill. One guy looked at us and said "for your own sake, don't go up there". We didn't understand what he meant until we got to the top and saw bodies laying motionless on the ground. There was a man doing CPR on someone, he stopped and said "they're gone". We were in shock. We decided to try to help, in any way we could. We ended up helping carry people on stretchers down the driveway a bit to help. Etched in my mind forever.

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I have had a car drive into my bedroom at 2 in the morning. That will get your attention. If we weren't in process of having the house re-roofed...thus there was a pallet of shingles the driver hit first, the firemen said he would have gone in the front, through the bedroom and out the back as they estimated he was doing about 80mph.

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