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Taylor County - HUGE transfer?

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I know exactly what the situation was. They told the story that it was to dangerous to live where they were and the coach was a father figure and he would be better off living with him. Funny how that changes the instant his running mate is gone.


I was unaware of the situation, but regardless of the situation they used the rule to their advantage and did nothing illegal. The KHSAA rules doesn't say who a player can or can not live with if they have never played a second of varsity sports after the 9th grade. Coach Gatewood or any coach for that matter could move all incoming freshman in with them in their house and play them without any reprimands.

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I hope he is ruled eligible. If he wants to go live with his parents for his senior year after not living with them for his first three years of high school then I hope it works out for him.


Does it look strange and funny now that Goodin is leaving? Sure. If he wants to play in front of his mom for his last year of high school then I hope it works out for him. I don't know his family situation. If his grades are good enough for him to play then I hope he is on the court next season.


Folks would lose their mind if Taylor County arranged for his parents to move to Campbellsville to watch him play. Folks are losing their mind for him to go home and play in front of his parents.




Family Over Everything


Sorry, but you shouldn't be allowed to live with whoever you want just so you can be on a good team. That's exactly what this is. If he wants to reap the benefits of playing at a school for 3 years with a D1 player and a bunch of local boys he should also take the beatings they have coming now that his buddy is gone.

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If a kid transfers out of Louisville and moves on to a team out in the state like- Mercer Co, Boyle Co.- nobody on this site really blinks an eye. If he transfers from Taylor Co. to Ballard- you're ready to rule him ineligible. Please...


You must be new to this board, because the number of transfers Gatewood and Taylor County has brought in has been discussed numorous times. It's been 3 the last 2 years.


And nobody is saying anything about him transferring to Louisville, it's more of the way things went down. The only thing about the fact that it's louisville is he's going to try to enroll in Ballard, when it's assumed his parents still live in Moore district. Most think it's funny that now all of a sudden he's home sick and wants to leave now that Goodin and the supporting cast is gone.

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Sorry, but you shouldn't be allowed to live with whoever you want just so you can be on a good team. That's exactly what this is. If he wants to reap the benefits of playing at a school for 3 years with a D1 player and a bunch of local boys he should also take the beatings they have coming now that his buddy is gone.


I agree it looks funny. No argument there. I'm simply not going to be against anyone moving back in with their parents for any reason.

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You must be new to this board, because the number of transfers Gatewood and Taylor County has brought in has been discussed numorous times. It's been 3 the last 2 years.


And nobody is saying anything about him transferring to Louisville, it's more of the way things went down. The only thing about the fact that it's louisville is he's going to try to enroll in Ballard, when it's assumed his parents still live in Moore district. Most think it's funny that now all of a sudden he's home sick and wants to leave now that Goodin and the supporting cast is gone.


I don't think the issue is as much how many transfers they have brought in, the three in two years but more so the fact of how many they tried to get and missed on as well. There are numerous names from around the various regions that have been associated with transferring to Taylor County.

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He will be ruled eligible. If a Kid can play 5 games in December at Fern Creek transfer to PRP and be eligible by post season this will be rubber stamped at any school in Louisville.


Tre Hill transferred to his "home school". Per my understanding, in Jefferson County, you can transfer and play without moving if you transfer to your "home school". A byproduct of the open enrollment in Jefferson County.

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Hill was ruled ineligible twice. Family hired a lawyer and threatened lawsuit and he became eligible. It shouldn't matter anyway if you move back to your Home school if you initially choose a school that is not your district. Transfers are not supposed to be for athletic reasons. We all know this was about athletics.

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Hill was ruled ineligible twice. Family hired a lawyer and threatened lawsuit and he became eligible. It shouldn't matter anyway if you move back to your Home school if you initially choose a school that is not your district. Transfers are not supposed to be for athletic reasons. We all know this was about athletics.


Definitely. I'm not arguing for or against. Just relaying my understanding of that information.


Bottom line is if you get a lawyer, KHSAA will back off any transfer ruling.

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Not saying you're wrong with experiences that you have seen, but I have been in several appeals hearings of transfers that were ruled ineligible with the student-athlete, their parents & attorney were present & were still denied.


Like I stated though, just from my experiences.



Definitely. I'm not arguing for or against. Just relaying my understanding of that information.


Bottom line is if you get a lawyer, KHSAA will back off any transfer ruling.

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Who said a peep when Brandon Berry left Ballard to go to Taylor Co.?


It was major news around this area from local schools. It was all over Social Media and on Campbellsville topics. As well as it was discussed on here and other message boards. Brandon's moved with his MOTHER to the Taylor County school district. His mother was and has always been his guardian.


I agree I hope David is able to play as I've enjoyed watching him play. As for Taylor County I still believe they would be one of the top 3-4 teams in the region next year with Sloan and would have a chance to get back to Rupp. As I said to be personally it just looks very funny, now that Goodin is gone he decides he's home sick.

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This whole transferring from school to school issue is only one piece to a bigger puzzle. Kids are moving around with and without their parents and that's all that the public sees.


If you look a little deeper you'll find the "friends of the program" factor that's never mentioned. In fact it happens in such a way that if you're a fan of the team it comes off that the community has taken you in.


Here's how it works, a kid is recruited to come to a school. The first place the kid needs is a residence in the school district. Low and behold the first friend of the program happens to have a rental house or apartment available. Let's say the parent of the player comes and needs a job. Another friend of the program happens to need some help at their business. If there are issues with the legality of move and eligibility, no problem, another friend of the program happens to be an attorney or has an attorney on retainer. In some cases the friends of the program who are in the legal field are reading the KHSAA bylaws and updates to find loopholes.


In the meantime teams who are doing this continue to win, their game attendance continues to grow, others want to donate as either athletic boosters or become a friend of the program. The district justifies paying a coach an administrator's salary (even if the coach isn't a certified teacher). And the wheels keep turning.


The KHSAA doesn't have the manpower to police this and they know that this opens a much larger can of legal worms.


I know some folks are reading this and laughing and probably saying it's a conspiracy theory and that's ok. But the next time a star player just happens to move in listen closer in the bleachers and concession stand line.

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