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Teen Bonnie and Clyde From Kentucky


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Didn't you make this comment in the thread about the Playboy party dad?


What kind of dad throws his newly turned 18-year old daughter a "Playboy" themed birthday party??


I have two kids and I guarantee you they will be loved, well taken care of and disciplined. They'll make mistakes like all kids do but my 11 or 12 year old daughter won't be having a baby because she won't be having an opportunity to do things that lead to babies.

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Didn't you make this comment in the thread about the Playboy party dad?


What kind of dad throws his newly turned 18-year old daughter a "Playboy" themed birthday party??


I have two kids and I guarantee you they will be loved, well taken care of and disciplined. They'll make mistakes like all kids do but my 11 or 12 year old daughter won't be having a baby because she won't be having an opportunity to do things that lead to babies.


Right, and I said the parents share in the blame, but the girl is not a victim. She knows right from wrong. She's a willing participant.

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How would she know right from wrong if she's never been taught right from wrong?


Who said she's never been taught? She's lived with someone for the past 10 years, right? She's in school, right?


The fact that she lied about her age tells me she clearly knows right from wrong.

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If she had responsible parents she wouldn't be on this little adventure and she would not have a child.

Do you have kids UKMustangFan? Don't answer if you don't want to but I'm just curious.


Well...having irresponsible parents sure didn't help, that's for sure. BUT, just by virtue of having good, responsible parents doesn't mean this girl would not have wound up in the same situation. Yes, there is a better chance with good responsible parents her situation is different, but it comes far from ensuring it.

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Well...having irresponsible parents sure didn't help, that's for sure. BUT, just by virtue of having good, responsible parents doesn't mean this girl would not have wound up in the same situation. Yes, there is a better chance with good responsible parents her situation is different, but it comes far from ensuring it.


In this particular situation, I suspect that this girl has had a pretty tough life.

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Without knowing what day-to-day home life looks like for the girl we can't "blame" the parents. They could be completely focused on providing the right life and instilling the right values. That doesn't mean the kid listens and follows their advice. Good parents sometimes have bad kids.

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Right, and I said the parents share in the blame, but the girl is not a victim. She knows right from wrong. She's a willing participant.


If I may stab at an interpretation, I would agree that it is good parenting to teach one's children responsibility, and maybe just enough freedom to gauge if they can actually be responsible or not. Having said that, and having raised three normal children to adulthood, I would say the one thing I thank myself for everyday (and Mrs. Doomer) is in trusting our OWN judgement regarding their friends and their freedom. We NEVER, just let our kids hang around. If they went somewhere, we would approve what time, with whom, for how long, and oh by the way, expect us to drive by. If there were older kids there....forget it!! I remember from my youth, it was not my friends my age who either tried or got me into trouble, it was the older kids who were more worldly who took it as a game to see what they could get the younger kids into.....I could go on. But, I will shorten it to the fact that very, very few, 11 - 15 year old children are prepared to deal with ALL the influences that could cause them to make a bad decision. It is the parents' opportunity to shield them from these influences.

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That's why I asked him earlier if he has any kids. I know one thing, my daughter is 10 and will soon be 11 and stories like this are serious business for me.


As it should be.


However, if your daughter does something wrong or stupid, or God-forbid, illegal, is it your fault, or do you make her take responsibility for her actions?

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I can remember dropping my daughter off at a friend's house her freshman year in high school and saw one of the parents on the porch. Naturally, I parked the car and went up to meet the dad. Super nice guy, police officer in Newport...said he had never in his life had a parent come up to meet him and talk to him while dropping a kid off at his house. I just can't understand that.

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