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Ferguson officer shot


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In all seriousness, if the people there are going to start targeting police officers the police should just stay in the police station. Let them fend for themselves. The looting and burning is on them at this point. I know they won't do that but I wouldn't blame them if they decided to sit this one out for awhile.

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In all seriousness, if the people there are going to start targeting police officers the police should just stay in the police station. Let them fend for themselves. The looting and burning is on them at this point. I know they won't do that but I wouldn't blame them if they decided to sit this one out for awhile.


Too bad that's not an option...

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The media and the majority of citizens don't care about LEO's. It's what the cops signed up for.


You know darned good and well that's not the case. If it were, why are there still Jason Ellis pictures in the window of every business in Bardstown? Do you really think people have forgotten?


Sometimes cops get shot while on duty. Good, bad or indifferent, that's the risks that come with signing up for a dangerous, largely-thankless job. I thank them for their sacrifice for doing a horrible job that needs to be done.

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You know darned good and well that's not the case. If it were, why are there still Jason Ellis pictures in the window of every business in Bardstown? Do you really think people have forgotten?


Sometimes cops get shot while on duty. Good, bad or indifferent, that's the risks that come with signing up for a dangerous, largely-thankless job. I thank them for their sacrifice for doing a horrible job that needs to be done.


I'll have to agree that the majority of people like and appreciate police. There is just a large contingent of internet users who like to anonymously hate on them.

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You know darned good and well that's not the case. If it were, why are there still Jason Ellis pictures in the window of every business in Bardstown? Do you really think people have forgotten?


Sometimes cops get shot while on duty. Good, bad or indifferent, that's the risks that come with signing up for a dangerous, largely-thankless job. I thank them for their sacrifice for doing a horrible job that needs to be done.


Let me clarify like I had to once before, majority of citizens are indifferent, ex. "A cop got shot last night? That's awful! What ya want on your pizza?" Outside of Bardstown how many people you think know who Jason Ellis is? Outside KY? Can you name off the top of your head the troopers who were ambushed in Pennsylvania? Get real man. Hating cops is the "cool" thing to do. Songs wrote about it, every 1 sided complaint put in the news as factual. Anyone really give a damn what you do for a living or write a song about you, or blast you son social media? Give me a break.

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