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Purge in Louisville Friday night?


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What stupid rules, just curious.


It's partially the rules, but more so the enforcement of the rules. Some of the dress codes for these bars/clubs would make you think you were in Miami or on the strip in Vegas. I'll give you a couple of examples of things I've experienced there.


Last time I was there, I had on a baseball cap backwards. You used to be able to wear hats in all the bars down there, they had apparently changed the policy since the last time I was there, no big deal. I took my hat off... The girl that was taking the money said "Just make sure you don't put it back on," no problem I told her. So I started up the steps, and your typical over compensating bar bouncer said, "NO HATS BUDDY." Again, it was in my hand. I said I'm obviously not wearing it, but he said you can't take it in. At the same time, two guys in cowboy hats walked past me up the stairs. I pointed this out to the bouncer, and he said "It's no baseball caps." If you're following, he just yelled "no hats" at me less than 60 seconds ago.... So I walked all the way back to the car to put my hat away, and came back to enter the bar. Once I got upstairs, I saw between 5 and 10 people wearing hats, baseball caps included...


Another night me and some people were going in, and the girl at the entrance to 4th Street (not even at a bar, mind you) stopped me and said I had to change my shirt because it was an undershirt... I had on a white v-neck t-shirt. I asked her how it was an under shirt, and her response was, "If there's going to be a problem I can call security." Okay lady... I just so happened to have another shirt in my car, so I went to change. The best part about this story? The shirt I changed into was the same shirt, same cut, it was just black. She didn't say a word to me when I walked in...


I've heard jeans are too baggy, they bunch up too much at the bottoms, yadda yadda yadda. I've never been a person to sag, ever. I always wear my pants on my waist. Forgive me for being chubby and 5'10". :lol2:

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You guys personally may not, but to deny that the rest of the state's disdain for the city of Louisville is a UK v. UofL animosity would be folly. For the majority of UK fans, that's where it comes from.


Isn't disdain for a state's major city pretty common? Most of Illinois doesn't even claim Chicago. Michigan cannot stand Detroit (granted Detroit isn't helping that lately). Most southern Indiana Hoosiers don't care for Indianapolis. Upstate New Yorkers don't care for NYC. Obviously UofL being in Louisville doesn't help but I have a assumed big city disdain is in just about every state.

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My opinion is formed based on my numerous experiences there. It's incredibly dirty (around the campus area), and has never been a pleasant experience.


Oh, that explains everything, you were by UofL. Stay away from that place and you will love Louisville.




That was pointed and you Rockmom and Deuce. :jump: Go Blue.

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I'll never understand the hatred for U of L from UK fans. I'm true blue all the way but still root for the Cards every chance I get (as long as they aren't playing UK). I love Rick Pitino; can't understand the hatred for him either. Yes, he left us for greener pastures; who wouldn't have taken the offer he had. But he brought the UK program back from one of its lowest points and delivered to us a national championship. (2 if you count Tubby's). I'm glad he came back to KY even if it wasn't to UK. Were they supposed to just kick Tubby to the curb?!

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