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God's Plan

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If God can do anything, can he create a problem so complex that not even he can solve it?


It's easy to play with words to try to disprove an idea.


The whole Plan idea is interesting though. I personally do not believe that God has a set plan for our lives. I believe he provides avenues for us to take, but leaves it up to use to decide which one to take. God does not always get what he wants.

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If God can do anything, can he create a problem so complex that not even he can solve it?


It's easy to play with words to try to disprove an idea.


Don't confuse me...I'm still trying to figure out when eternity started.

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If God can do anything, can he create a problem so complex that not even he can solve it?


It's easy to play with words to try to disprove an idea.


The whole Plan idea is interesting though. I personally do not believe that God has a set plan for our lives. I believe he provides avenues for us to take, but leaves it up to use to decide which one to take. God does not always get what he wants.


very well said. :thumb:

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very well said. :thumb:

I agree too! God gave each and everyone of us free will. Satan also have some power to influence us. Are we going to pray for guidance to choose the correct path? Pray for safety against satan? You can also pray to God for needs, as well as to others for intercessions .

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If God can do anything, can he create a problem so complex that not even he can solve it?


It's easy to play with words to try to disprove an idea.


The whole Plan idea is interesting though. I personally do not believe that God has a set plan for our lives. I believe he provides avenues for us to take, but leaves it up to use to decide which one to take. God does not always get what he wants.


...and even if God does have a "perfect plan" for us, I don't believe it is a very complicated one. I think God intends in His plan for us, to have us know and love Him, and to do our best to serve Him. Still, our free will is perfectly capable of changing that "perfect plan". I don't think God's plan is so narrowed down that I don't have the power to choose a ham sandwich instead of turkey for lunch on any given day. There's a big difference predetermination and a plan. Where has anything ever said that "things always go according to plan"?

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I also think it is dangerous to assume that God has his hand in every event in our lives. If I interview for a job at a school that I really really want, but another candidate gets it, it is possible that God was protecting me from a temptation or just a bad situation that I would have gotten into had I been there. It is also very possible that I didn't get the job because the employer simply decided to hire another person.

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I have no problem if someone doesn't believe in God, I don't force my belief on you. I just don't understand some atheist and their need to try and disapprove and put down another persons belief system. The same can be said for religious people who judge others belief system . But this movement in the country of the non-believers to mock and put down religion and God is disturbing.

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I have no problem if someone doesn't believe in God, I don't force my belief on you. I just don't understand some atheist and their need to try and disapprove and put down another persons belief system. The same can be said for religious people who judge others belief system . But this movement in the country of the non-believers to mock and put down religion and God is disturbing.


This is one of the times I agree with you Lipton.:up:

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  • 1 year later...

Came across a great way of explaining "God's Plan" today...


Do you ever play chess? Most skilled chess players have a "plan" for how they would like the match to play out, right? Ok, so imagine God is a master chess player, and has set up the history of mankind as he would a giant chess match. So just before the match begins, God gives all the pieces free will. How effective will His game plan be now that all of the pieces can move about the board of their own accord?

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