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Parents Of High School Athletes

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Parents filing grievances.

Parents acting like idiots in the stands.

Parents living through their sons/daughters lives.

Parents going behind coaches backs to athletic directors and administration.


This whole parent problem is getting worse. It's ridiculous! Ryle's superintendent should be ashamed of himself and embarrassed. This is why coaches get out of the business. Parent problems are the main reason we have seen some great coaches leave the last few years. This is the main reason why most coaches don't want to have any relationship with the parents. They want close relationships with the players and could care less what the parents say or do.

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I have seen more good parents than bad parents by far. However, the bad parents do exactly the things you mentioned and make fools of themselves and embarass their kids in the process. The situation at Ryle is pathetic and the superintendent only compounded the situation with the timing of his decision. Some parents just lose all self-control when it comes to "taking up for Johnny".

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At HHS, The coaches hold a pre-season meeting with the parents. Simply stated: No matter what the situation...THE BEST PLAYER PLAYS. No matter the grade or parent tie to the community. Now, that being said, the coaches continually evaluate the talent at each spot thoughout the spring-summer-fall and the "best" may change. Especially in regard to the style of play an opponent shows. Dale encourages communication from the parents...but it very well understood that the final decisions are HIS....with major input from position coaches. I'm sure Willie does the same thing! It seems to work !

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I have seen more good parents than bad parents by far. However, the bad parents do exactly the things you mentioned and make fools of themselves and embarass their kids in the process. The situation at Ryle is pathetic and the superintendent only compounded the situation with the timing of his decision. Some parents just lose all self-control when it comes to "taking up for Johnny".

:thumb: Agree 100%..

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The problem with some parents is that their child is not even close as good as they think that they are and they seem to know more than the coaches even though they do not see their kids in practice or the others kids on the team. I have coached youth sports in the past and have seen it first hand. I do agree that the good parents far out number the bad ones.

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Guest oxide

If I was a Coach I would hold a meeting at the start of the season with the parents and players. I would list the team rules and have a place for all three people involved to sign and accept these rules ( parent, player & coach). One of the rules would state " At any time if a parent or player complains to the coach about playing time they will be immediately dismissed from the team"

Then the Coach should have a zero tolerance for complaints about playing time. The first player that the coach receives a complaint regarding should be dismissed. This might stop all the complaining and FAST!

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:thumb: :ylsuper: :laugh:


I think the kids will be the first one to tell you that questioning coaches and bad behavior at ball games make them wish they were orphans....and I agree with Farm Boy.....that is exactly what happened at St. Henry HS last year and cost a good coach and a fine gentleman his job.

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The problem with some parents is that their child is not even close as good as they think that they are and they seem to know more than the coaches even though they do not see their kids in practice or the others kids on the team. I have coached youth sports in the past and have seen it first hand. I do agree that the good parents far out number the bad ones.


Well Said:thumb:

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And, just like the good parents far outnumber the bad parents, so do the good coaches outnumber the bad coaches. However, you must admit that some coaches do play favorites and politics play a large part in who makes the team and how much playing time they get, etc. etc. etc. If Dad or Mom is the coach, look out even if he or she is an assistant coach. Not all coaches are saints and a very small number of them deserve the hardships they get. They bring it on themselves by not looking out for the best interest of the team. This is not just limited to high school coaching either as it happens at all levels.

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From all the talk going around Boyd Co, one of the parents who always causes problems and was a trouble maker afetr the district tourn loss, will be banned from all BC sporting events for 1 year. Hopefully this will send a message to other parents about acting up before they have to miss their sons senior season too.

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