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State Of The Union Address - 2014

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I wonder how many Supreme Court justices will boycott the Big Speech? The number who actually show up shrinks every year. This sets a fine example to young people: If you don't like the messenger, don't participate. Just drop out.


It's called a boycott!

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Who or what are the conservative justices boycotting? It sets a bad example for our young people.


You mean like the Dem legislators did in Indiana a few years ago when they couldn't get their way? Haven't some other Democratic state legislators done the same thing? I really believe that since he's threatened to bypass congress the Republicans should all boycott. Would love to see an empty seat right next to the empty suit that is our VP.


He's not going to change my mind, he will make me angry so I won't watch.

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You mean like the Dem legislators did in Indiana a few years ago when they couldn't get their way? Haven't some other Democratic state legislators done the same thing? I really believe that since he's threatened to bypass congress the Republicans should all boycott. Would love to see an empty seat right next to the empty suit that is our VP.


He's not going to change my mind, he will make me angry so I won't watch.

With so many BGP right-wingers vowing not to flip on the TV tonight, I'm surprised that Fox doesn't offer alternative programming -- like a 90-minute special on George W. Bush's greatest speeches.

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Three reasons why the Citizens United faction of the Supreme Court won't be attending tonight's State of the Union speech. (Source and complete list can be found by clicking link at bottom).


10. Scalia loaned his robe to the Wicked Witch.

9. Thomas will be home assisting his wife, Virginia, on her voice mail blasts.

8. Alito is still mad about that whoopee cushion incident last year ...




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And as usual when he gets called out on something he says he goes Allinsky again and takes the thread off on a wild goose chase.


How about addressing the example that the Democratic legislators in Indiana set for the youth when they didn't get their way and took their proverbial balls and went home (or to a motel outside the state)?

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I've developed a high state of apathy for our national politics. Nothing changes whether the clowns from the left or the right are in charge, and not enough people have the backbone or the stones to stand up and make a difference. Rand Paul is the only politician out there that could even get me to consider paying the slightest bit of attention to anything political between now and the next election. Unfortunately, regardless of what President Obama says during the SOTU or who wins the 2016 election, we the American people lose.

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Nothing worse than going non-linear on solid Kentucky conservatives.


Or following the lead of Dems nation wide and ignoring any inconvenient questions to your "logic".


Still waiting for you to enlighten us on exactly what lesson the Dems in Indiana gave our youth (since your initial post expressed so much concern for the harm that the Supremes are doing to them) when they shut down the legislative process because they couldn't get their way.


I won't hold my breath.


I've said it before and I'll continue to say it, Saul would be very proud of you.

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