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BGP Fantasy Football League ~ Week Five


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Death Valley Dirt Devils ® (1-3) at Atwood Fighting' Amish * (3-1)

Death Valley Dirt Devils ® (-4.2) at Atwood Fighting' Amish *


Looks like I get to take down another * chump this week. Kind of funny how he's 3-1 and I'm 1-3, yet I'm favored.


You have the two best players in the matchup. Good luck, you are the highest scoring team in the division and I don't have AP this week so are you really surprised you are favored? The ebbs and flows of fantasy.

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I didn't feel like putting this in the GD forum, since I don't know most of the people in there anymore, but my dad had a stroke today. He called me after he started feeling numbness in one side of this body and left a voicemail saying, "I think I'm having a stroke". That's it. Obviously I freaked out, called 911. By the time I got there from where I worked, the ambulance already had him and was taking him to the ER, no one was there when I got to his house.


Son of a gun (Toughest guy I know) was in the middle of making chili in his crock-pot when the EMTs showed up. Answered the door and everything but he was pretty "off" apparently so they took him in the ambulance.


At the Emergency Room, the Doc said it was a mild stroke from his test and the initial cat scan, but they are keeping him overnight. To me, no stroke is mild. He's lost all feeling in his right leg (partially right arm) and can't put full sentences together, right now at least. He really struggles talking but can usually respond to yes or no questions (He gets so frustrated and I feel so helpless). Give him a yes or no question and he's money. But if he has to actually talk, he can't get past the first few words and then he gets so frustrated. I stay strong for him, but it's so hard feeling helpless and even worse, seeing him get so frustrated.


I'm really struggling with this one fellas. He's got four kids (my younger brother, and then my half sister and half brother) but I'm easily the closest to him. It was a long day in the hospital today, being strong, and I'll be back tomorrow, and who knows how many more days, but its just hard and I'm finally breaking down a little. I'm sure some of you have been there in similar situations, but there's nothing like seeing one of the toughest SOB's you know being brought down to that.


I just wanted the guys who I was closer to (most read this forum) to know that I'm kinda really struggling right now, more than I ever thought I would and I would appreciate all your thoughts and prayers for him to have a full recovery. I believe in the strength in prayer, so the more the better.


And GT...if you wanted to start a couple guys who were inactive this week...that would be cool...lol. Thanks fellas! For those who I am tight with me and will think about my dad or say a prayer, it means a lot.

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