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Benghazi...To paraphrase the left from several years ago...

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Poll results show majority of Americans don't think Obama misled on Benghazi, but they are dissatisfied with his administration's handling of what occurred on 9-11-12. That pretty much sums it up. Benghazi didn't have much effect on the '12 presidential election; probably will be a mostly forgotten story in '16. The fact that Issa and Ailes are leading the charge on this issue diminishes credibility. Also, Joe Public is much more concerned with what happens on American soil (Boston bombing) than halfway around the world.


I don't look for much to come out of the hearings. Mostly stuff like: "If we had done X, then maybe Y wouldn't have occurred." Who knows, maybe there will be a bombshell, but I doubt it. Just keep your TV dial tuned to Fox.


You did not answer my question but I'll ask another. So, you're ok with not investigating because of polls? Is that your threshold?

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You did not answer my question but I'll ask another. So, you're ok with not investigating because of polls? Is that your threshold?

Investigate all you want. It beats watching "Bonanza" reruns. (I'm watching hot Foxette Megyn Kelly right now talk about "the search for truth.") I also noticed that the other cable squawk stations are focusing more on the "Ohio house of horrors." Only people watching Fox right now are right-wing retirees.

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People died and Obama/Clinton lied.


Anybody have any doubt that Barry and the boys are figuring out who to throw under the bus this time. Sorry Hillary.


By my count that's 3 terroist attacks with fatalities against American interests on this administration's watch.

Fort Hood, Benghazi and Boston.


Sent from my Samsung Stratosphere using Forum Runner


Not sure you really want to keep score here...

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^ As someone who was coming of age during the Nixon administration (with Spiro T. Agnew as my governor a scant few years before that), I've grown to expect shenanigans from the right-hand side of the aisle for 40 years.


It's very distressing to me when "my side" does the same.


It is completely what I expect...with the help of the media, the left is just better at it.

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Darryl Issa and Roger Ailes are keeping this story alive. That's about it. I don't think the allegations that arose from the tragedy have registered much with Joe Public. The main purpose of the hearings is to discredit the Obama administration and, more important, tarnish Hillary's star for her presidential run in '16.


So the families do not count?


Mother Of Slain Benghazi Victim Rips Hillary Clinton: "I Blame Her" | RealClearPolitics


"PAT SMITH, MOTHER OF SEAN SMITH, KILLED IN BENGHAZI: Terrible. I cry every night. I don't sleep at night. I need answers.


TAPPER: What do you want answers to? What do you not know?


SMITH: Why was there no security for him? When they were supposed to have security and the security that they did have was called back. It just -- things do not add up and I'm just told lies.




SMITH: Of course, it's political. That's the way it's been. That's how they're treating it. That's what they're doing with it. They're making it into something that -- why don't they just do their job? They didn't do their job and now they're hiding behind the word political and going from there."


Emphasis added.


Is this supposed to end like 'To Kill a Mockingbird'? Let the dead bury the dead?

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'False equivalency'? That may be correct in that seems to be far worse. No one died due to action or more specifically lack of action in Watergate. But lets look at how these are alike.


This is a worse scandal than Watergate? It's hard to take this kind of thing seriously sometimes.


Who is going to prison and for what once the investigations are concluded?


You have a lot of complaints about how the administration characterized the attack immediately after and why forces weren't immediately sent in, both of which were well known before the election and also brought the relevant actors, from generals to cabinet members, before Congress to explain their decision-making with little result. Where is the elaborate criminal conspiracy?


What happened was an American tragedy and we should investigate what happened and make sure we find out what led to it and how it can be prevented in the future. But so far we have a "conspiracy" that the administration didn't say "terrorism" quickly enough about a widely reported international event. Nixonian!

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Investigate all you want. It beats watching "Bonanza" reruns. (I'm watching hot Foxette Megyn Kelly right now talk about "the search for truth.") I also noticed that the other cable squawk stations are focusing more on the "Ohio house of horrors." Only people watching Fox right now are right-wing retirees.


Is that what you are? Would have never guessed it.


Your take on this is interesting. And disturbing. I think those who were killed deserve more but it is obvious you subscribe to the Clinton view of it.

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This is a worse scandal than Watergate? It's hard to take this kind of thing seriously sometimes.


Who is going to prison and for what once the investigations are concluded?


You have a lot of complaints about how the administration characterized the attack immediately after and why forces weren't immediately sent in, both of which were well known before the election and also brought the relevant actors, from generals to cabinet members, before Congress to explain their decision-making with little result. Where is the elaborate criminal conspiracy?


Yes, worse than Watergate. It IS a cover-up for purely political reasons. How is that any different than Watergate?



What happened was an American tragedy and we should investigate what happened and make sure we find out what led to it and how it can be prevented in the future. But so far we have a "conspiracy" that the administration didn't say "terrorism" quickly enough about a widely reported international event. Nixonian!


Wrong on the highlighted.


1) There was a lack of security for an area where other nations had pulled out due to security issues.

2) There was a lack of response to an extended attack that was known to be an ATTACK from the moment it started.

3) There was invalid and made up cover-story created and propagated that a) discounted the action as a direct attack and b) kept the political damage minimized.


People did lie - that is no theory. They lied over and over again. Susan Rice was the face of the lies but she did not do this on her own. It is far more than admitting terrorism.

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Watergate would have gone away if Nixon and his cronies had not panicked. That was one ignorant way to handle a small incident but until then presidents had pretty much got away with anything they wanted which is why I'm sure Nixon felt he could just sweep it under a rug.

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